Take care of your beloved ROLEX watch to stay with you for a long time.

by time news

A watch is a device that must be worn with you often. Make it easy to get sweat and dirt. Failure to maintain proper cleaning can cause damage to the watch. It also shortens the work life. Therefore, it is important to keep the watch clean. that should take special care The more valuable the watch, the more you need to pay attention. Many people may not know that taking care of ROLEX watches is not as difficult as they think. But no matter how you care How much do you cherish your beloved watch? Should bring the watch to the Rolex repair center every 5 years to check the mechanism system. and properly maintained by experts That’s it, your Rolex watch is ready to be with you for a long time. Whether collecting Or whether to resell at a good price

There are many different models of Rolex watches. But the methods of maintenance will be similar as follows

1. Regularly clean your ROLEX watch.
Most Rolex watches come with water resistance. therefore cleaning with water And liquid soap is not a problem. But if the model you are wearing is not waterproof and what it is. It is recommended that servicing be carried out by an authorized Rolex repair center only. because in addition to helping to revive There is also a 2-year service warranty as well.

As for the cleaning method, it’s very easy. First check if the Crown is screwed tightly into the case. This ensures that no water penetrates the inside of the watch. Then use warm water. and soap that does not contain ammonia to wash the exterior and use a soft brush to scrub gently Let the dirt come off. Then wash with warm water again. When finished, use a soft cloth to dry the small nooks and crannies. Difficult to wipe, use a low blow dryer to dry.

2. Take your ROLEX watch to service every 5 years.
to check the mechanical system of the watch The watch should be checked at a Rolex repair center. certified by experts In addition to guaranteeing that it is safe, there are also people who will advise you on how to properly take care of it. Along with cleaning as well which if you bring it to the Rolex repair center You will receive a service warranty of up to 2 years.

Regular wear of a Rolex watch Will make the clock not stand still, moving all the time And if the clock stays still for too long will cause the lubricant inside may harden and when put back into place again may cause friction until it can lead to damage Therefore, ROLEX watches should be worn regularly and always brought to a Rolex repair center for inspection.

4. Wind up the ROLEX watch

To properly rotate the watch, place it on a soft and level surface. Do not wind up the watch while wearing it. because there is a risk of damage To wind, unwind the crown to position 2 and turn it approximately 30 or 40 times. Once winding is complete, wind the crown back down. Rolex has built-in fittings to ensure that the watch is not over-wound. But winding the watch doesn’t work instantly. Must be gently shaken or worn if this does not work. should be brought to the Rolex repair center

watch band scratching This can be done every 2-3 months using a specially designed polishing cloth for stainless steel and gold to prevent further scratches. Importantly, the polishing cloth should be soaked in a special polishing solution. When the cleaning is complete do not use chemicals or cleaners that are not designed for jewelry.

If there are scratches that cannot be scrubbed off It is not recommended to force it. and no matter what if you are not skilled enough We recommend taking your watch to a Rolex Repair Center where a specialist can advise you, it’s more convenient and easier. Anyone who is worried about where to find a Rolex repair center, we recommend Nam Sawang, an official Rolex dealer with specialized skills, tools and technology. Be assured that every watch will be repaired and taken care of to perfection both inside and out.

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