FDP criticizes offer of the “last generation” as “blackmail”

by time news

Dhe offer by “Last Generation” climate activists to halt their controversial protests over demands has met with harsh criticism. “Blackmail is not an expression of legitimate protest,” said the domestic spokesman for the FDP parliamentary group, Manuel Höferlin, the “world”. That’s why he considers it “naive and dangerous if individual municipalities now give in to this blackmail. Because the next escalation will definitely follow.”

The group “Last Generation” is offering to halt its protests across the country or in individual communities if the government concerned agrees to its demands.

The actions should end in Hanover – there Mayor Belit Onay (Greens) assured the activists after a meeting that they would support their demand for a “social council” with a letter to the democratic parliamentary groups. According to the ideas of the climate protectors, such a council of randomly drawn people should develop measures to ensure that Germany no longer emits any climate-damaging CO2 by 2030.

In a democratic system, political decisions would not be made by “councils” but by the elected representatives of the people, Union parliamentary group leader Andrea Lindholz (CSU) warned in the newspaper. Peaceful protests are an important and legitimate means of initiating change, she stressed. “Committing crimes to achieve a goal is just as irrelevant as ultimatums or blackmail.”

SPD parliamentary group leader Matthias Miersch said it was important to seek dialogue. Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) also had discussions with representatives of the last generation a year ago. In view of the cooperation in Hanover, the following also applies: “Politics must not allow themselves to be blackmailed.”

The AfD right-wing politician Stephan Brandner spoke out in the newspaper for “good education, robust crackdown and quick, tough penalties” against the climate protectors, known primarily for their adhesive actions. Politicians should “neither allow themselves to be blackmailed nor coerced”.

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