Baja California is a national benchmark in job creation: Marina del Pilar | Tijuana News

by time news

Tijuana, BC- The State of Baja California registers significant advances in the generation of jobs and working conditions, managing to position itself in third place in the country with less informality according to the National Survey of Occupation and Employment (ENOE) of the National Institute of Geography and Statistics (INEGI) regarding the fourth quarter of 2022, highlighted the Governor Marina del Pilar Avila Olmeda.

In the same sense, the Head of the Executive Power indicated that the entity occupies the third place among the States of the northern border of Mexico with higher occupation, with a percentage of 97.3 percent of the economically active population that has a job.

During the last months of 2022 The total employed population of Baja California rose to 1.79 million people. Likewise, the State continues to contribute 3.1 percent of the employed in the country, where 1.1 million people worked in the formal sector of the economy and 658 thousand 631 in the informal sector.

Marina del Pilar considered that the entity has a great capacity to generate jobs, therefore, in adherence to the values ​​of the Fourth Transformation, We work in coordination with various state agencies to ensure that Baja Californians work under decent conditions, with well-paid formal jobs, with the guarantee of the law.

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The state president recognized the dynamism of the labor market, which favors the choice of workers to seek options according to their needs and aspirations both in terms of work and for combine their activities personal and family

For his part, the Secretary of Economy and Innovation, Kurt Honold Morales, reported that, considering the fourth quarter of 2022, the State generated a balance of 8,049 new jobs compared to the same period in 2021. Of these, the formal sectorI generated 62 thousand 799 and the informal sector decreased by 54,750, which translates into more people with access to social security and its benefits.

By sectors, the primary registered 2,228 new jobs in the period. The secondary minus 15,971, where manufacturing had a positive record of 861 new jobs and the extractive and electricity industry obtained 390, but construction decreased by 17,222. The tertiary sector was best results with two thousand 828 new jobs.

Social services stand out, which contributed 21 thousand 489 new employed people, followed by transport, communications, mail and storage with 13 thousand 508 new jobs. On the other hand, there are 92,895 employed as cross-border workers, which increased by 17,690 in the last year.

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The state official pointed out that the State Government grants various supports to companies, so that the promotion of economic activities is one of the fundamental pillars for the well-being of all.

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