The inner planets are the planets farthest from the sun

by time news
The inner planets are the planets farthest from the sun

The inner planets are the planets farthest from the sun. Is this information true or false? It is one of the things that many students search for in science, which deals with the study of the universe, celestial bodies, and physical laws.

The inner planets after the sun

The solar system consists of a number of planets that revolve around the sun in specific orbits and paths for each planet, and these planets include those closest to the sun, and those farther away from it.

  • The wrong statement as the inner planets are the closest planets to the sun.

Solar System

The solar system to which the planet Earth belongs is the sun star, which is one of the medium-sized and hot stars, and this star revolves around a number of planets that differ in their proximity and distance in specific orbits, and the solar system is part of the Milky Way galaxy, and it is part of the universe It contains billions of galaxies, which in turn contain billions of stars, of which billions of stars are larger than the sun.

planets of the solar system

The planet is a group of rocks or gases that formed over millions of years, and around the star is the center of the group, and the sun is of two types:

inner planets

They are the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars, and these planets are the closest to the sun, and among them the temperature reaches high temperatures that reach the limit of the temperature of minerals, such as Mercury, which is the closest planet to the solar system. Planet Earth is the only planet suitable for life among the planets of the solar system, as well as among the billions of planets that have been discovered so far in the universe, and this is due to the presence of water and the atmosphere around it. Earth, making it a place of life and survival for living beings.

outer planets

They are the planets Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune, and these planets have a much lower temperature than the inner planets because of their distance from the sun. Among them are also frozen planets due to their extreme distance from the sun, such as the planet Uranus, which appears blue to the observatory due to the very low temperature on this planet.

To see if the statement “the inner planets are the farthest from the sun” is true, we will also give a brief description of the inner and outer planets in the solar system.

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