A Maariv commentator on the events in Hawara: “The government is very confused about security”

by time news

Tal Lev Ramthe military correspondent of ‘Maariv’, was interviewed today (Monday) on the program of Gideon Oko and Anat Davidov on 103FM, and referred to the tensions in the territories after the attack and riots in Hawara.

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“After the difficult night, the security system reports this morning about a fairly quiet night, when the pursuit of the terrorist is at the call center,” said Lev Ram at the beginning of his remarks, “They probably know who the terrorist is, because the area is covered with cameras. There are checkpoints around Nablus in an attempt to locate him, but at the moment there are no New information or extraordinary progress. Additional forces will be reinforced in the field, two more battalions arrived today. Even so, there are over 20 battalions, this is an area saturated with many fighters, but as we have seen, unfortunately, it is not always enough.”

He was then asked if it would have been possible to prevent the photos seen yesterday in Hawara, and replied: “Ultimately, there is a failure of the security system in this matter. From the moment they knew that it was going to cause friction, good things could not have come out of there. The reports of the things that happened there are things that have not been I heard if at all in this area. They entered the village from all directions and started burning, destroying. Photos of civil administration officers taking people out of the burned houses. A very bad incident and the security system must investigate.”

In addition, Lev Ram referred to the summit in Aqaba: “One side of the government says, ‘It is right to do it now,’ an American announcement is issued that summarizes the things that were concluded there, and Israel officially issues an announcement that denies the American announcement. And other ministers in the government say that what was in Jordan will remain In Jordan. There is an attempt to really create a coordination mechanism and everything new will also be frozen for four to six months. The bottom line – this government in terms of its security directive is very unstable, first of all in the decision-making and conduct, there is a government here that is very confused from a security point of view.”

In conclusion, he said: “Smotrich and Gallant are only the characters of the event because each one represents a different ideology. In terms of the implications on the ground, if Prime Minister Netanyahu does not end up ruling on one directive from a security point of view, which is what was decided, and even before a cabinet, ministers will attack the apparent decisions Netanyahu’s. In my opinion, it just continues here from crisis to crisis and I look at the picture in the last month, if Netanyahu does not enforce a single discipline on the issue of security policy, which probably won’t happen, it seems to me that this is the most unstable event in his government right now.”

Assisted in the preparation of the article: Shani Romano 103FM

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