The agrarian “non-team” of the PP and the fraud

by time news

Last Thursday, Núñez Feijóo he visited one of García Carrión’s wineries and stamped his signature on a barrel. On the same day, the Food Information and Control Agency (AICA), dependent on Luis Planas, published the fines for breaching the Food Chain Law and the third most important corresponded precisely to this company. Most likely, both events were a coincidence and that Planas was not aware of Feijóo’s visit.

It is also possible that, if there had been an agrarian team within the PP, its members would not have warned that it was better not to visit that company. But the root problem is that the agrarian team of the PP, if it exists, looks like the “army of Pancho Villa” and it is conspicuous by the chaos and lack of coordination between those responsible for Genoa with widely scattered powers (PAC, water, rural development, fisheries), the parliamentary groups of Congress and the Senate, and the agriculture councilors of the autonomous communities.

The great benefited by this chaos is “the phony” personified in Luis Planas. According to the dictionary of the RAE, faker is “the one who pretends what he is not or does not feel”. And, Planas, sometimes he is the most left-wing socialist there can be, like when he goes to the Women’s Day demonstrations in the second row behind Carmen Calvo and Pedro Sánchez’s wife, shouting and jumping, or when he goes out to skin Feijóo, following the instructions that come from La Moncloa.

Other times he boasts of moderation and, with his mild manners, he even looks like a member of the PP. Planas maintains a close relationship with prominent members of the PP, which allowed him, for example, that María Jesús Herrera, his wife, appointed by the Zapatero government in 2011 as Head of the Mission in Spain of the UN International Office for Migration , was maintained in this position, generously paid with public money, by Rajoy. Now, Planas is off scot-free, thanks to the chaos in the agrarian “non-team” of the PP and his good relations with part of this political group.

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