Gallant at the scene of the attack: “Don’t take the law into your hands, trust the IDF”

by time news

The security tensions: In the shadow of the murderous shooting attack in Hawara, in which the brothers Hillel Yaniv Weigel and the late Yaakov were murdered, and the clashes that took place last night in the Palestinian town, the Minister of Defense, Yoav Galant, arrived at the arena this morning (Monday). During his remarks, Gallant said that “the coming days will be complex, we will work on the one hand to calm the area and on the other hand we will prepare a broad escalation, while expanding the alertness in all sectors – Jerusalem and surrounding Gaza”.

The Minister of Defense referred to the clashes in Hawara, in which settlers burned dozens of cars, shops and family homes of Palestinians, and said that “I am reading a map to everyone – don’t take the law into your own hands, trust the IDF. Precisely on a morning like this, I ask the citizens of Israel everywhere to continue to trust the IDF and the security forces and let them work.”

Clashes in Hvara (Photo: Shlomi Heller, wow!)

Clashes in Hvara (Photo: Shlomi Heller, wow!)

Later, he referred to the continued hunt for the terrorists who carried out the attack in Hawara and said: “Efforts are now focused on capturing the terrorists, dead or alive. Maintain order and allow the security forces to concentrate on protecting against terrorism and the hunt for the terrorists. We are currently increasing forces in the IOS to protect the roads and settlements and are preparing To assist the Israel Police in security missions in the Jerusalem area.”

The IDF decided last night to reinforce an additional battalion, a third, in the Judea and Samaria Division – the Givati ​​patrol, and it will be stationed at Yosh in addition to the other two battalions. In addition, the police raised the alert level throughout the country to one level below the maximum, in view of the murderous attack in Hawara. This is what Police Commissioner RN Kobi Shabtai instructed. Therefore, the police are preparing to deploy police officers in crowded centers, in synagogues, near educational institutions and in sensitive areas, and this in the phase of fear of show attacks.

As mentioned, during the violent clashes, hundreds of settlers burned dozens of cars, shops and family homes. Dozens of Palestinian families were evacuated by the IDF from their homes after they were set on fire and Palestinian drivers were attacked with stones. Army officials estimated that at least ten buildings and twenty vehicles were set on fire.

Galant (Photo: Ariel Harmoni, Ministry of Defense)

Galant (Photo: Ariel Harmoni, Ministry of Defense)

The Red Crescent reported that there are about 100 wounded and the Palestinian Ministry of Health reported one Palestinian killed who was shot in the stomach and died of his wounds. The MDA reported that two 16-year-old boys were slightly injured, apparently from tear gas. The security forces worked to remove the protesters and a police vehicle of the Makhazait type entered the scene, but it was only after hours of rioting that control was achieved.

At the same time as the riot in Hawara, arson began in several other centers in Samaria as well as in the Jericho sector, and according to reports, dozens of Palestinians also started rioting on the border of the Gaza Strip. As a result of the situation, MGB teams from another sector in Binyamin were jumped, along with a reserve company and two infantry battalions that were diverted to the point.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a statement regarding the events, saying: “A terrible disaster happened today, I would like to send my condolences to the family that lost two of their dear sons, may God restore their blood. The IDF and the security forces are currently in pursuit of the murderer, we will find him, we will capture him, we will come to terms with him. When the blood is hot and the spirits are hot, don’t take the law into your own hands, I ask to let the IDF and the security forces do their job, and I remind you that in the last few weeks they have eliminated dozens of terrorists and prevented dozens of terrorist attacks. Let the IDF complete the chase, don’t take the law into your own hands, And together we will defeat terrorism.”

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