Medicine, interactive virtual sectoral table changes training

by time news

A full-size digital sector table, Anatomage Table, similar to a huge interactive iPad, is an opportunity for companies in the medical sector to train their own specialist staff and interact with their stakeholders, reducing the costs of traditional cadaver labs on human body, and giving a more realistic and effective impression compared to dissections developed on animal anatomical elements. This was communicated in a note by Anatomage Inc, market leader in the field of medical technology virtualization.

The virtual sector table – explains the company – can be used in different disciplines and in different types of training thanks to the following contents: 4 complete real cadavers in 1:1 dimensions; topographic anatomy in high resolution; digital cadaver heartbeat simulation; catheter insertion simulations; simulations of biological processes; customization of real cadaver processes simulating a specific therapy, such as drug administration, and the high-resolution Dicom library with kinematic renderings.

The way in which the anatomy is displayed is unsurpassed – reads the note – and allows the user to customize the interaction with the real anatomy to meet every possible need. The bodies were frozen without the use of embalming chemicals, preserving the true colors and life-size proportions of the anatomical structures. The resulting sections were flash frozen and stacked to recreate the segmented and annotated anatomy in 3D.

To date – reports Anatomage – among the main examples of companies that exploit the advantages of this virtual sector table we find Medtronic USA and Ipsen Pharma France. Medtronic USA uses the Anatomage Tables in its possession to train its employees and to carry out tests on specific devices that will be developed. The Table Clinical, version with a 55” screen, is used for specific regional analyses, while the Table Convertible, with an 86” screen and 2.16 meters in length, is used for whole body analysis in 1: 1. Ipsen Pharma, in its French headquarters, has recently become a big fan of the table technology. With its 3 Tables, it has developed an innovative company training project, and it also uses the devices in conference venues to show the details of their products: it thus becomes the essential and explanatory element of the processes they test and implement.

Anatomage has chosen to complement Table technology with two other products, Anatomage Tablet and Anatomage VR, to also allow ‘portable’ training, with real anatomical data always at hand. The company – concludes the note – is also firmly convinced that, with this ecosystem based on the use of digital cadavers, many other companies in Italy and Europe will be able to reduce training costs, without compromising the quality of the same.

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