Research into the effect of neurostimulation on chest pain

by time news

Participants in this study will have a small neurostimulator placed in their buttocks. This pacemaker-like device sends electrical pulses via a cable to an electrode placed against the spinal cord at heart level. Previous research has shown that neurostimulation improves quality of life in these patients. “In addition, we expect that this treatment will reduce the number of admissions or visits to the outpatient clinic for chest pain,” says Wijnbergen.

When it comes to patients with a low risk of a heart attack, they can often be examined at home by ambulance staff, according to research by Radboudumc.


If the study shows that Eurostimulation is a good treatment, the Dutch Healthcare Institute (ZiN) will consider re-insuring this treatment. Once neurostimulation is reimbursed again, the treatment will become widely available for people with untreatable chest pain.

Patients who think they are eligible for this treatment can contact their own cardiologist or general practitioner for a referral to the Catharina Heart and Vascular Center. Twenty people are currently participating in this study. Ultimately, 72 people will complete the study. The last participant will, as expected, enter in 2024. For participating patients, the study will last one year. A few patients have already had their 1-year visit.

Because until the end of the study remains hidden from researchers and patients, whose neurostimulator has been switched on and off for six months, the results will not be released until later.

Top care research with ZonMw subsidy

Research into the effect of neurostimulation on the heart is possible thanks to a ZonMw grant. To this end, the Catharina Heart and Vascular Center received three million euros in March 2020. With this grant, the Heart and Vascular Center conducts research into three common heart conditions: clogged coronary arteries, narrowed heart valve and atrial fibrillation.

Prevention, improved outcomes and cost control are what these studies are all about. The Catharina Hospital works together with regional referring hospitals and general practitioners within the Dutch Heart Network and within e/MTIC (Eindhoven MedTech Innovation Center).

Top care online session

Cardiologists, referring GPs and specialists and other interested parties can register for the Top Care online session on Wednesday, April 12, 2023 from 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM. Sign up here!

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