Master in Anthropology (PPGA-UFC/Unilab) opens 10 vacancies. Registration until 28/03!

by time news

The University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusofonia (Unilab) and the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) open enrollment – ​​from 02/27 to 03/28 – for 10 vacancies in the selection process for the Associate Graduate Program in Anthropology ( Master’s course – class 2023), according to public notice No. 01/2023 – PPGA (Unilab/UFC).

About the course

The Graduate Associate Program in the strict sense in Anthropology (PPGA-UFC/Unilab), makes public the opening of the selection process for candidates to the Master’s in Anthropology course, specified in this Announcement, with enrollment in the academic semester 2023.2 and a maximum completion period of 24 months. It aims to train researchers and professors capable of generating anthropological knowledge in tune with the contemporary debate in the Social Sciences and in Anthropology in particular.

Check out public notice No. 01/2023!


Entries will be made from 02/27 to 03/28, by completing the enrollment forms, available in Annex I, page 21, of public notice No. 01/2023. The documentation must be delivered at the time of registration, only by email intended exclusively for this purpose, as indicated below, under the heading “registration for PPGA 2023 selection”, via email: ([email protected]) .

Candidates graduated in higher education courses recognized by the Ministry of Education (Mec), in the area of ​​Social Sciences or in other areas of knowledge, may apply, provided that they present in their academic record of the graduation or specialization course the record of, at least, three subjects completed in the areas of Social Sciences (Anthropology or Sociology or Political Science).

The master’s course class regime, for the approved candidates, will be defined later, according to the academic calendars of UFC and Unilab. Classes will be held at both universities and on different days.

Further information on the page of the Master in Anthropology (UFC/Unilab) or via e-mail: ([email protected]).

For information from Unilab, contact the secretariat of the Associated Graduate Program in Anthropology at the Instituto de Humanidades (IH), via e-mail: ([email protected]) or telephone: (85) 3332 – 6215.

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