all SNCF unions call for a renewable strike from March 7

by time news

During a previous mobilization against the pension reform, in early February. CHARLY TRIBALLEAU / AFP

“It is imperative to strengthen mobilization,” said the CFDT Cheminots, in a press release on Monday.

The scenario of a difficult month of March in the rail sector seems to be confirmed. This Monday, the CFDT Cheminots called in turn “all the railway workers and all the railway workersto participate in a renewable strike, starting on March 7, the day of national and interprofessional mobilization against the pension reform. In this, the union joins the other organizations representing railway workers.

«It is imperative to strengthen the mobilization“, pleads the organization in a press release, adding to fear an acceleration of the”abolition of special dietsduring debates in the Senate. “The ability to always do worse is very real», Regrets the text. Following a consultation of its members, during which 80% of the workers questioned said they supported a renewable strike from March 7, the CFDT Cheminots therefore calls for “harden the movementsocial, in order to push back the government, by participating in the renewable mobilization.

AT SEE ALSO – Pensions: the comeback of the unions?

Fourth representative organization at the SNCF, the CFDT Cheminots finally agreed with the idea formulated a month ago by the CGT Cheminots and Sud-Rail. At the end of January, the latter were already calling for the organization of a “strike renewable by periods of 24 hours […] «from mid-February“. But, at the time, Unsa and the CFDT were opposed to this idea. This time, however,union unitywas maintained, with the four organizations calling together for a strike starting on the national day of action. They thus hope to reinforce the pressure on the executive, while the text of the government is expected in public session in the Senate from the week of March 6.

Long put aside since the beginning of the mobilization, the weapon of the renewable strike is brandished on the occasion of the new day of March 7. Five CGT federations – including Ports and docks, chemical industries or mines and energy – have already called for “renewable struggle” from this date. They will be joined by the RATP: on February 11, the inter-union of the Ile-de-France region had called for participation in a “renewable strike from March 7, 2023 in order to weigh even stronger and win the withdrawal of this bill“. For its part, the national inter-union does not yet call for a renewable strike, but hopes “put France on hold” That day.

AT SEE ALSO – Pensions: Laurent Berger assures that the strike of March 7 “will not be the extension of the brothel of the National Assembly”

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