According to the latest news, conspiracy has neither legal value nor offensive character

by time news

EDIT : Conspiracy has neither legal value nor offensive character. Anyway, not that I know of.
I want as proof this press release just published by AFP, signed Chris Dubuis Santini, which I have allowed myself to develop here succinctly in my sauce for this purpose:

“This morning, completely boosted by my eighth or ninth dose (I don’t know anymore) of XXL maxi plus anti-covid vaccine, I watched religiously – and for the tenth time – last night’s BFMTV newspaper, in replay and in enjoying a vegan bat-flavored bread sandwich made with insect meal.

Suddenly, and this (pleonastic fortuitous coincidence or conspiratorial terrorist media attack?) right at the moment when the experts in international politics, present on the spot, demanded from the citizenship which lives in all of us deep down, we the vaccinated volunteers, that we spit on the image of Vladimir Putin (a very mean, pro-East Russian, child-eating mad dictator); right at that moment, my black transgender husband, a Jewish Ukrainian who converted to Islam at the unwittingly (namely following a not very Catholic misunderstanding between a radicalized Protestant and a person claiming to have been a Jehovah’s Witness, but who in reality did not see Pierre Palmade’s car accident at all; Pamela burst into the room and in turmoil at the same time, very happy to announce “THE” good news: they are pregnant. Probably of a pangolin: the autopsy is in progress.

My jewel, knee, owl, pebble, cabbage, husband came back there could not be more proudly from the antenna that the Hauts-de-Seine family allowance fund opened in Bourg-la-Reine, at the request of the one Val-de-Marne, to unclog that of Choisy-le-Roi; for those who are interested, this antenna is adjacent or almost to the kosher reception center that Bernard-Henri Lévy founded in Villejuif, with Georges Soros, for Libyan war refugees, in homage to a Colonel Gaddafi who (we hear it in his first name: “Muammar”) was not firmly enough attached to power to stay there any longer. Nicolas Sarkozy confirms. We couldn’t be prouder, because since in fact we only got married in the church and not also to the mayor – Mazel Tov! – the single mother allowance was granted to her; granted in addition to his RSA and the disabled adult allowance, of course. And long live France!
Admittedly, this is only provisional. However it is retroactive from our honeymoon. Organic honey, of course. And a honey whose international success came after a video that went viral among Internet users, so much more than avian flu in the premises of Le Canard Enchaîné, and that Saïd and Chérif X., hitherto unknown, ad hoc employees French secret services, they fatally contaminated the editorial staff of Charlie Hebdo on January 9, 201; this video has been so viral, that we can say this without the risk of sounding like a storyteller: the bees that produce it, this organic honey, made the “Buz” twice on this occasion, and not the “Bzz”. Star of a famous eponymous Japanese cartoon from the 80s, it is not the one named Maya who will contradict me. Amen. »

Indeed, although its deliberately slightly sarcastic content proposes in this way a challenge taken to the extreme, of the authenticity of the government propaganda that the mainstream media have been imposing on us for three years as being truths whose denial proceeds from a attack perpetrated against the superior interests of the Nation.
Firstly, the content of this tirade has nothing, absolutely nothing reprehensible, and secondly, just as the revelations on the effects of vaccination which have been accumulating recently, prove France-Soir right regarding the Covid part of this tirade. .
We bet that it will be the same for the merits of our positioning, with regard to the other subjects mentioned there, thanks to the statements to this effect which will not fail to intervene in the more or less near future. I’m betting on it.

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