One test subject, two different results: what goes wrong with Restart your Health? – Radars

by time news

Know with just one drop of blood whether your body is infected with pathogenic bacteria or conditions such as Lyme or Pfeiffer. That’s the promise of Reboot Your Health. After the results of your blood test, the alternative practice immediately presents a treatment plan with a cost of hundreds of euros. But how reliable are the results of these blood tests?

The editors of Radar received several (anonymous) complaints about the therapies of Herstart je Gezondheid, a practice that offers treatments for fatigue, depression and Lyme disease, among other things. And it all starts with just one drop of blood.

On the same day, Radar visited two Herstart je Gezondheid locations for a so-called ‘Bio Energetic Blood Test’. With just one drop they could determine whether there is Lyme disease, mononucleosis or other conditions or illnesses. These factors are all expressed in percentages.

Blood test result 1

The first result shows that our employee, on a scale of 0 to 100 points, has no less than 73 points for the Epstein-Barr virus, also known as mononucleosis. Fortunately, there is zero mention of Lyme disease. We do score no less than 54 points on ‘Candida overload’, according to Restart your Health this score should remain below ten. Fortunately, we immediately get a treatment plan to take home.

Blood test result 2

Before we start our treatment, we will visit the second location of Restart your Health. And guess what: the results of the second blood test show that we don’t have mononucleosis here at all, we even score zero points on the scale. We do have another disease: Borrelia, also known as Lyme disease. The score for ‘Candida overload’ is also much too high in the second test: 48 points.

One drop of blood

Two completely different results for the same person on the same day, how is that possible? Clinical chemist Marc Elisen and medical microbiologist Jean-Luc Murk are extremely critical of the measuring method of Herstart je Gezondheid: ‘With the techniques we use in medical care, it is impossible to extract all that from a drop of blood,’ says Elisen .

Candida overload?

And then there’s that much too high ‘Candida overload’ score. What is that actually? ‘Candida is a yeast, but it doesn’t belong in the blood. If Candida enters the bloodstream, it is life-threatening. You need to get proper treatment for that very quickly. This is actually always done in the hospital via an IV. If you don’t, you’ll be dead in two weeks.’

Pay a lot for a treatment

The results of our blood test are not tender. A low biophoton level, a much too high percentage of spin inversion, mononucleosis and/or Lyme and also several organs whose energy level is (much) too low. Founder Kaj Alexander de Vries of ‘Restart your Health’ has informed us that all this can be cured through his therapy. For eight complete treatments you pay 1000 euros, or 125 euros per treatment. Those who purchase a strip card pay ‘only’ 870 euros. But what does such a treatment entail?

Our (free) trial treatment consists of three parts: spin inversion therapy, biophoton therapy and bioresonance therapy. Spin inversion would change the behavior of the electrodes in the body cells. The biophoton therapy would, among other things, restore the body’s self-healing capacity by means of a special lamp. Finally, bioresonance therapy would realign the organs and meridians of the body to the optimal resonance. This is done by means of a special bioresonance mat.

Content of the therapy rattles

According to Wouter Serdijn, professor of bioelectronics, light does not penetrate the skin more than 1 cm. That means these therapies cannot be used to improve the organs. ‘The light just can’t reach it. As far as I’m concerned, it’s a nicely packaged monkey sandwich story.’

In addition to the expensive treatments, there is another element that earns money: the Orgonite Healing Disc. A flat disc that you could place at home and that would protect against the negative influences of radiation. According to Wouter Serdijn, professor of bioelectronics, the disc does absolutely nothing. In a special room, he tests the influence of the disk on the Wi-Fi signals within the room. Wouter’s conclusion? He does nothing. The cost picture? 299 euros.

Always pay attention to the fine print

Restart your Health talks about the ability to cure diseases diagnosed by them and offers treatments, but has a medical disclaimer in small print on their website and in their leaflets. It states that the information is not a substitute for medical professionals and states that ‘all claims made have not yet been sufficiently scientifically proven’. Is this consistent with the advice given to visitors to the clinic? No, says Murk. “I think it’s very bad that people who have complaints are taken advantage of and promises are made that I don’t think can be kept.”

In the Radar broadcast of Monday 27 February, owner De Vries comes by to give an explanation.

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