Florence yellow zone, guide to museum reopening: Boboli from Tuesday, Uffizi on May 4th, Bargello on 3rd

by time news

April 24, 2021 – 10:46 am

With the change of color the museums will also be accessible again, but for some it will be necessary to wait a few days longer than the date of April 26

of Corriere Fiorentino editorial staff

-Museums show waiters with respect to government decisions that have also allowed them to open even on weekends. The Boboli Gardens museum will reopen on April 27; the following Tuesday, May 4, the Uffizi (with 14 new rooms dedicated to the painting of the Florentine, Roman and Emilian sixteenth century) and Palazzo Pitti will reopen.

BOBOLI’S GARDEN: The Medici park will be accessible from 8.15 am through the entrance to Palazzo Pitti. It will be open every day of the week, i.e. from Monday to Sunday (except the first and last Monday of the month) from 8.15 to 18.30 (last admission at 17.30). In compliance with the regulations, the Grotta Grande and the Porcelain Museum will remain closed. The Botanica Superiore, with its treasure of aquatic plants, will be open every morning from Monday to Friday from 9 am to 1 pm.

UFFIZI GALLERY: will reopen on May 4th. The time will be 8.15-18.30, with last admission allowed one hour before closing. Director Eike Schmidt will open the museum door on Tuesday 4 May. At the Uffizi, in addition to the ordinary tour route, now enlarged with 14 new rooms on the first floor dedicated to the painting of the Florentine and Roman sixteenth century, the exhibition of Roman sculpture dedicated to the figure of the woman in imperial age ‘Imperatrici , matrone, liberte ‘, extended from the original term of 9 May until 13 June. The Dante-themed contemporary art exhibition ‘In-Versi’ with works by Giuseppe Penone, will instead start on 29 June.

PALAZZO PITTI: The Palatine Gallery, the Modern Art Gallery and the Treasury of the Grand Dukes will reopen in the Medici palace from 4 May from 13.30 to 18.30. To enter the Boboli Gardens, the Uffizi Gallery and Palazzo Pitti during the weekend (Saturday and Sunday), it is necessary to book one day in advance of the visit. All information on https://www.uffizi.it/biglietti or at 055294883.

BARGELLO MUSEUMS: The Bargello Museums and specifically the Bargello National Museum, the Medici Chapels Museum and the Palazzo Davanzati Museum will reopen to the public from Monday 3 May. The postponement of a few days with respect to what is established in the decree-law aimed at offering a better service to the public of our museums – explained Paola D’Agostino, director of the Bargello Museums -. After these months of forced closure there are in fact some outsourced services that require a technical time, albeit minimal, to recall the employees who had been placed on layoffs. The possibility of reopening the museums on weekends requires the development of new booking methods that require physiological times. We are also completing refurbishment works in the Bargello and arrangement of new systems in the Medici Chapels. Finally, we must not forget that the week from April 26 to May 2 will certainly be a time of great impact on mobility due to the total reopening of schools and many activities spread throughout the area. This is also why we prefer to reopen a few days later, with a bit of caution, but to offer an even safer welcome service for our visitors at the beginning of May. We really hope that this can be a definitive reopening for all places of culture.

Even the Accademia Gallery is still a whole construction site. Director Cecilie Hollberg is planning to open the doors on May 6th. But with the Sala del Colosso and the Gipsoteca closed for works and the various works set up in other rooms, especially in the Sala dei Prigioni. They have also thrown down the wall behind the section dedicated to musical instruments from where you will be able to access the rooms of the temporary exhibitions. The first floor is also closed. There is no room that is not involved in the works, explains Hollberg. But anyway I am very happy to welcome the public also on weekends. In the new government decree there is for the first time the expected possibility of keeping cultural places open also on Saturdays and Sundays, albeit by reservation only. Paola D’Agostino director of the Bargello is waiting for the decree to be in the Official Gazette and for the Region to sign the reopening order, so we have not yet given dates to communicate, we plan to reopen at the beginning of May. The Florentine civic museums are missing, awaiting decisions from Palazzo Vecchio. At the moment the idea of ​​making them all restart together – from Palazzo Vecchio to the Museo Novecento to the Brancacci Chapel – on 3 May. At the twentieth century the director Sergio Risaliti paws: I have four new exhibitions ready plus the one on Henry Moore already inaugurated. If it were up to me I could open immediately.

April 24, 2021 | 10:46



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