Brétigny: a ransacked nursery school, the postal code of the neighboring town tagged on the walls

by time news

Overturned desks and computers, emptied trash cans, paint spilled on the tables… After a malicious intrusion, this weekend, chaos reigns in the classes of the Louise-Michel kindergarten in Brétigny-sur-Orge (Essonne). According to a police source, a dozen hooded and gloved people entered the establishment on Saturday evening around 8:30 p.m.

Armed with objects to achieve maximum damage, they completely vandalized two classrooms in what looks like a commando operation during school holidays. Alerted, the town hall filed a complaint. “It’s scandalous, reacts Nicolas Méary, the mayor (Horizons). It’s completely stupid to attack a school, and a public building in general, like that. It is part of the common heritage. »

The attack “signed” by the authors

The attack was “signed” by the perpetrators, who tagged the acronym “91 240” on several walls of the establishment. Either the postal code of the neighboring town of Saint-Michel-sur-Orge. For this reason, the trail of a band of young people from this town is privileged. “However, it was calm lately between Brétigny and Saint-Michel, apart from a single incident” observes a police source.

National and municipal police crews quickly intervened this Saturday evening. The perpetrators had already fled towards Saint-Michel-sur-Orge. No arrests took place. The city’s CCTV cameras will be monitored. DNA samples were also taken on site. “Significant means will be deployed to identify the perpetrators of these misdeeds,” promises the mayor.

Bretigny-sur-Orge. The door to one of the classrooms was broken during the ransacking of the Louise-Michel kindergarten.

The choice of the degraded school is, a priori, pure chance. “They do not realize that they are penalizing children who have not asked for anything”, blows a source familiar with the matter. The services of the town hall are hard at work to restore the school before March 6, the day of the start of the school year. “Some of the tags have already been erased. But there is a lot of damage, we are not yet sure to be ready in time”, specifies Nicolas Méary.

According to the Évry-Courcouronnes prosecutor’s office, contacted on Monday, an investigation was opened for “damage” in a meeting and to the detriment of a school. She was entrusted to the Sainte-Geneviève-des-Bois police station.

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