The Commissioner spoke with police officers who were present at the attack: “They prevented continued shooting at civilians”

by time news

Police Commissioner Chief Superintendent Ya’akov Shabtai spoke a short time ago (Monday) with a patrol officer at the Ma’ale Adumim station who was with another police officer from the station in clashes with the terrorists who apparently carried out the attack at the Almog junction earlier.

M. told the commissioner: “I arrived on shift and while I was getting ready we received a message about hearing gunfire in the Arava house. We went out there right away and while doing so we realize that there are three arenas.

At a certain point we detect smoke and approach and discover a vehicle on fire with yellow identification plates and we realize that it is the vehicle of the terrorists. One of the terrorists aimed a cannon at us and we immediately fired at the terrorists.

We feared that this was a pull-out attack and while we were firing at them in a very dense area, we fired at them again.’

The commissioner praised the police officers who attempted contact and thus prevented them from continuing to shoot at other civilians and security forces moving in the area. The commissioner noted that the police officers immediately realized that this was a rolling, multi-aspect attack and knew how to identify the escape route of the terrorists.

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