A patient with a diagnosis of obstructed labor was transferred by air to the Francisco de Orellana General Hospital – Ministry of Public Health

by time news

Tena, February 27, 2023

On February 26, 2023, a 21-year-old woman went into labor and with her husband went to the Tiputini Type A Health Center, located in the Aguarico canton, Orellana province. Henry Atiencia, a doctor at the establishment, indicated that “the patient presented a diagnosis of obstructed labor due to transverse presentation of the fetus and she was transferred as an emergency to the Francisco de Orellana General Hospital of the Ministry of Public Health (MSP).

In the face of the emergency, District Directorate 22D03 – Aguarico activated air transport to save the lives of the mother and child. The young woman was going through her third pregnancy. “Only in 2023 we have evacuated 12 emergencies by air with good results.

This type of transportation is essential in this context, since Aguarico is a difficult-to-access territory where it is mostly reached by waterway,” added Blanca Chile, District Health Director.

In January of this year, the Zonal Coordination 2 – Health and the Autonomous Decentralized Municipal Government of the Aguarico canton signed an inter-institutional cooperation agreement to bring this service closer to the community. Around 6 thousand inhabitants are part of this canton, located on the border with Peru.

In 2022, the activation of this service saved the lives of 58 patients requiring emergency medical care. The Ministry of Health strengthens care services with immediate response in the transfer of patients from indigenous and mestizo peoples and nationalities who require urgent and highly complex treatment.


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