Resolutions in the city senate and municipal council of February 27th

by time news

city ​​senate

New sports bus

A Ford Transit including complete winter wheels is purchased from the company Schirak-Lehr for a gross price of 47,500 euros. The vehicle will replace one of the four sports buses operated by the city. The provision of sports buses is an essential part of the funding for St. Pölten clubs. The buses are used for trips for training and competition purposes, for excursions by various clubs and schools.

Vereins „Main Line for Europe e.V.”

The municipal council decided in November 2022 to co-found the “Main Line for Europe” association. The tasks of this association include promoting the expansion of a sustainable and efficient rail infrastructure and the development of junctions and access routes along the Paris – Nancy – Strasbourg axis – Karlsruhe – Stuttgart – Ulm – Augsburg – Munich – Salzburg – St. Pölten – Vienna – Budapest/Bratislava This serves to shift traffic to rail, both in terms of freight and passenger traffic.

The annual membership fee for the city is 3,500 euros. The mayor is expressly empowered and commissioned to execute the rights and duties assigned to the city by the statutes of the “Main Line for Europe” association.


The Catholic Family Association of the Diocese of St. Pölten will be granted a subsidy of 5,000 euros for the year 2023 for the “Grandma/Grandpa Service” project to finance ongoing operations.

The woman’s house will receive a subsidy of 15,000 euros for the year 2023 to cover part of the night, weekend and holiday services.

The St. Pölten Cathedral Music Association will receive a subsidy of 10,000 euros for concert activities in 2023.

The Literary Society of St. Pölten is granted a subsidy of 8,200 euros for the annual operation and for the publication of the literary magazine “etcetera”.


Resolution: Put the brakes on rents – relieve people

Austria is lagging behind in the EU comparison when it comes to combating the rental price spiral – as well as when it comes to combating rampant inflation. Denmark, France, Spain and Portugal used dampening measures early on instead of the watering can principle and can now post results. The contribution of the housing sector to overall inflation is significantly lower in countries with a price brake than in Austria.

The municipal council is calling on the federal government to draw up a template for an Austria-wide rental price brake in order to submit it to the National Council for approval. If the legislative process can no longer be carried out before April 1 due to the fact that the application for a rent control has already been rejected in the parliamentary committee, the governing parties are called upon to support an initiative application for a rent control.

Electric vehicle for lake adventure

A small, manoeuvrable transport and commercial vehicle is purchased for the management of the green areas at the Seenerlebnis/Viehofner Badesee and the green areas in the vicinity of the two lakes. Thanks to eight powerful batteries, the vehicle can be used all day long without making any noise or emissions.

Paving Schreinergasse

In the previous year, all supply and disposal lines were renovated at Schreinergas. The road surface was also removed as part of the renovation work. This year, the surface of Schreinergasse is to be given a high-quality surface again. The design is to be based on the existing concept of last year’s construction phases, such as Kremser Gasse, Domgasse, Herrengasse and Wiener Strasse.

Since all fixtures, including the street lighting, were laid last year, the construction process is planned to be divided into 7 paving sections. This procedure was chosen to ensure the least possible disruption to the business premises.

Membership fee Traisen Water Association

The city of St. Pölten provides the Traisen Water Association with the membership fee for 2023 in the amount of 313,800 euros. The association is an association of 14 member communities (St. Aegyd am Neuwalde, Hohenberg, Türnitz, Lilienfeld, Traisen, St. Veit an der Gölsen, Eschenau, Wilhelmsburg, Pyhra, St. Pölten, Herzogenburg, Inzersdorf-Getzersdorf, Nußdorf ob der Traisen and Trais Wall).

The tasks of the Traisen Water Association include the regulation and maintenance of the Traisen and its tributaries, measures for flood protection, clearing of large gravel landings, repairing various bank breaches and flood damage, woodland and embankment care, path maintenance, embankments and the construction of fish ladders.

Material recycling industrial area Ratzersdorf

After a subdivision and further archaeological investigation of the commercial area on Kirchenfelderstrasse in Ratzersdorf, a large amount of earth was piled up. In principle, this topsoil material has to be deposited for a fee, but the material can be upgraded and reused by screening. Since soil material for tree planting and humus treatment work is constantly being produced in municipal construction projects, the Grasmann company is commissioned to screen the material in question so that it can be used again by the city.

New sidewalks and parking bays

In the area of ​​the new residential complex on Maximilianstraße and Kerensstraße, the sidewalks and parking bays are to be rebuilt. Even before the start of construction work on the residential complex, the seepage was inadequate due to silting up on the surface. Since the newly built apartments and the proximity to the university hospital are expected to increase pedestrian frequency, new sidewalks and parking spaces are intended to increase the quality of stay.

Radlberg: Application for the village renewal campaign

The city of St. Pölten, in cooperation with the Ober- and Unter-Radlberg village community and the NÖ.Regional.GmbH, will endeavor to be included in the Lower Austria village renewal campaign at the beginning of next year. For this purpose, a mission statement is to be jointly developed in 2023, which will serve as a working paper if it is approved. The NÖ.Regional.GmbH was commissioned with a sum of 2,160 euros to accompany and support this creation process.

Subsidy for “Gabarage”

The state capital St. Pölten is granting social-design-business, an association for the promotion of the social and creative economy, a subsidy of 24,000 euros for the year 2023 for the ongoing operation of “Gabarage” St. Pölten. The aim of the project is to support young people and young adults with psychological or psychiatric stress in integrating them into employment processes over a period of approx. 1.5 years and to prepare them for the job market.

Subsidy for Festival Musica Sacra

The association for the organization of International Church Music Days in Lower Austria is granted a subsidy of 40,000 euros for the implementation of the “Festival Musica Sacra 2023” for the 50th anniversary.

Subsidy for volunteer fire brigades

The volunteer fire brigades in the city of St. Pölten will be granted subsidies of 46,100 euros for ongoing operations in 2023. In addition, the youth work of these is subsidized according to the respective number of members with a total of 12,500 euros.

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