‘Better sleep has a positive effect on the treatment of psychiatric complaints’

by time news

Eus van Someren is head of the Sleep and Cognition department at the Netherlands Institute of Neurosciences and professor of neurophysiology at the VU University in Amsterdam. He says that psychiatric complaints are one of the most common and burdensome disorders. Insomnia is an important factor that often recurs in patients. That is why he is starting a project with ZonMw in which patients learn to improve their sleep hygiene before starting their treatment.

“Good sleep is necessary to regulate emotions and to learn new cognitions and behavior,” says Van Someren. He indicates that it is important because the method, learning new behavior, is an important part of the treatment.


Unfortunately, patients who suffer from psychiatric complaints cannot always go directly for treatment. These patients can register to participate in ZonMw’s eHealth programme. After they have registered with the GGD and before the start of the treatment process, they are guided with cognitive behavioral interventions aimed at their lifestyle.

Lifestyle medicine in healthcare

A good lifestyle is important to stay healthy. It reduces the risk of chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes. That is why clinical medical research is being conducted into lifestyle medicine in 10 projects. ZonMw does this from the Innovation program line (Prevention Programme). In addition, the organization works together with various local healthy lifestyle initiatives, general practitioners and municipalities.

By: National Care Guide

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