Disney princesses’ mental health: what disorders do they have?

by time news

Las Disney princesses They accompanied us during our childhood, showing very particular behaviors, ways of thinking and teachings. Possibly after seeing them, many of us expected to find Prince Charming and have a happy ending. Real life is different. Now, for this reason, there is talk about the mental health of Disney princesses.

According to María, a psychologist who has been in charge of analyzing films and uploading short videos on TikTok, these characters have mental problems that should not be overlooked.

She believes that due to the lifestyle they led (pleasing others, locked up, humiliated by others, or cursed by the wicked witch), it is normal that they could present some mental health problem.

What are the mental problems of Disney princesses

Disney princesses’ mental health: what disorders do they have? Photo: iStock

Alicia, from Alice in Wonderland. She suffers from schizophrenia because she perceives reality differently from how she really is. According to the creator of the videos, Alice never entered “Wonderland”, but everything was the product of her imagination.

This mental illness is serious, because it affects the way a person thinks. People with this disease are usually diagnosed between the ages of 16 and 30, says the National Institute of Mental Health.

Among the symptoms are: hallucinations, delusions, thought disorder, movement disorder.

Wellof FrozenHe has hyperactivity disorder. It is known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) when the person is unable to pay attention in a controlled manner. Acts impulsively and has too much energy throughout the day, say Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Ariel have self-acceptance issues Everything is a result of her not feeling happy being a mermaid and dreaming of being a human. In addition, the Diogenes syndrome is also present because she is a compulsive hoarder of things.

When a person does not have self-acceptance, they can develop low self-esteem, anxiety, sensitivity, and insecurity.

Diogenes syndrome has a behavior pattern in which one’s own image is neglected, one can live in unhealthy conditions and there is an accumulation of garbage and useless objects, mentions the Journal of the Spanish Association of Neuropsychiatry.

Aurora, from Sleeping Beauty. She suffers from hypersomnia, easy to fall asleep anywhere and in any situation. According to University of Navarra Clinichypersomnia is the tendency to sleep in abnormal situations, that is, it is too easy to fall asleep during the day, at any time.

Bella, from Beauty and the Beast. She suffers from Stockholm syndrome, when she begins to have feelings towards the person who has her captive. It is a phenomenon in which the victim develops a positive bond towards her captor, mentions the Clinic and Health magazine.

Cinderella. This girl, according to her psychologist, seems to have an addiction to power relations, because for years she allowed her stepmother and stepsisters to treat her as a slave.

Elsa, from Frozen. She represents agoraphobia, or fear of leaving her room. Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder in which there is a fear of places or situations that cause panic or a feeling of being helpless, says Mayo Clinic.

Megara He suffers from borderline personality disorder. This disorder influences the way you think and feel about yourself. There may be complications to manage emotions and behavior, in addition to having a pattern of unstable relationships, he mentions Mayo Clinic.

Mulan, seeking to satisfy everyone before herself, has atelophobia. It is about the irrational fear of imperfection.

Pocahontas, has synesthesia because he hears colors, sees sounds and appreciates textures. All as a result of the alteration in the senses. The person with synesthesia can “mix” one sense with another, for example: feeling that something rough touches his hand every time he smells a flower, mentions the National Institutes of Health.

Rapunzel have bipolar disorder. It is a condition of the mood where there are sudden changes, says the National Library of Medicine.

What diseases do Disney princesses have?

Disney princesses’ mental health: what disorders do they have? Photo: iStock

In the movie “The Little Mermaid”, Ariel sacrifices herself to save her beloved prince and is left without a voice. This can be interpreted as a metaphor for the loss of the ability to communicate or express oneself, as occurs in some diseases that affect speech, such as aphasia.

In “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, Snow White falls into a deep sleep after eating a poisoned apple. This can be interpreted as a metaphorical representation of a disease that causes a coma or unconsciousness.

What is the personality of Disney princesses like?

Each disney princess they have their own personality and unique characteristics that make them stand out from the other characters.

Snow White: sweet, kind and affectionate. She is optimistic and has a positive outlook on life, even in difficult situations.

Cinderella: patient, humble and hardworking. She is a kind and caring person, and she always tries to see the positive side of things.

Ariel: curious, adventurous and passionate. She is a dreamer and loves to explore and discover new things.

Bella: intelligent, brave and compassionate. She is a cultured and sensitive person, who values ​​inner beauty above outer beauty.

Jasmine: strong, independent and courageous. She is a determined and passionate princess who fights for her ideals and what she believes in.

Mulan: brave, determined and loyal. She is a princess who defies gender expectations and fights for what she believes is right.

Tiana: hardworking, persevering and determined. She is a princess who has a big goal in life and works hard to achieve it.

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Although the Disney princesses are only fictional characters, it is possible that they do have some relationship with those mental health problems. As parents, it is important that we review what our children see, to be clear about what kind of messages they are sending.

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