Social Security: The formula with which the unemployed will charge 100 euros more per month

by time news

Tuesday, February 28, 2023, 00:35

Among the novelties that came into force in Social Security at the beginning of 2023 is the one that affects the calculation of unemployment, which from this month allows the collection of 60% of the regulatory base instead of 50% for those who have already consumed half a year of benefit. The change allows, as the second vice president and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Díaz, has celebrated on Twitter, “to recover rights in the face of the cuts inflicted by the PP” and to enter an average of 100 euros more per month to the unemployed.

With this increase, already visible in the payments made this month corresponding to January, Social Security recovers the formula used until 2012. At that time and within a package of measures to reduce the deficit necessary after the European rescue of Spanish banks, The Government of Mariano Rajoy lowered the amount of the benefit, maintaining 70% of the regulatory base that is charged during its first 180 days but reducing the percentage that was charged from that moment on by 10%.

Now, the change is possible due to a modification of the consolidated text of the General Social Security Law introduced by Law 31/2022, that of the General State Budgets. The new method of calculation maintains the first percentage, the one applicable to the first six months, but returns the second to 60%, which is charged from day 181. The change, therefore, only benefits those who have Unemployment has been achieved after contributing more than 720 days, since, although one is entitled to the benefit when contributing 360, the time that corresponds to us of unemployment does not reach six months for those who present a contribution of less than 719 days.

This increase will benefit those who apply for unemployment from now on but also those who are already collecting it, who will see how their pay increases by that 10% starting this month. However, your application will not be retroactive. In other words, if 50% corresponding to a monthly payment has already been collected, the difference up to 60% will not be paid for those payments.

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