A career official will preside over the body responsible for agrarian reform

by time news

SÃO PAULO, SP (FOLHAPRESS) – The government of Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) decided to appoint agronomist César Aldrighi in charge of Incra, the authority responsible for moving forward with issues of agrarian reform in Brazil. He, who is a career official at the agency, has already been occupying the position on an interim basis.

The column Panel, from Folha de S.Paulo, showed that rural movements such as the MST (Movement of Landless Rural Workers) and Contag (National Confederation of Agricultural Workers) have been complaining about the federal government’s slowness in relation to agrarian issues.

One of the main criticisms focuses on the delay in announcing the president of Incra and changing the superintendents of the autarchy, several of them remnants of the Jair Bolsonaro (PL) administration.

Without this definition, negotiations related to agrarian reform and land tenure regularization have not evolved.

Rose Rodrigues, former Secretary of Agriculture of Sergipe, should occupy a directorate at Incra. There was an expectation in the MST that she would lead the autarchy, which ended up not being confirmed.

The delay in defining the names to command Incra and its superintendencies is related to the political dispute involving the positions.

At the Ministry of Agrarian Development, the slowness has been attributed to waiting for the distribution of positions to allies to be defined by the political core of the Lula government.

Among field movements, Aldrighi’s choice was received without criticism or excitement related to his profile. The definition by a name in itself was seen with good eyes, because from it the negotiations on agrarian issues should proceed. As the engineer has a technical profile, it is believed that in the future he may be exchanged for a political appointee.

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