Toothpaste to reduce tooth sensitivity. 2023 Which brand is good for relieving toothache, root canal treatment, receding gums?

by time news

Which brand of toothpaste reduces tooth sensitivity? 2023 Let’s see what causes tooth sensitivity. Can toothpaste reduce tooth sensitivity? And if so, how should I choose?

symptomsensitive teethbe a problemhealthoral cavity that is common from childhood to the elderly The sensitivity of the teeth usually occurs when we eat food or drink that is hot or cold. including sweet and sour foods make us feel toothache The pain may be more or less different for each person. This is to reduce the tooth sensitivity. In addition to going to the dentist and choosing to usetoothpasteReducing tooth sensitivity is another option worth trying. Today we are introducing a toothpaste that helps reduce tooth sensitivity. Along with a trick to choose to buy toothpaste included.

What causes tooth sensitivity?

Sensitive teeth can be caused by many reasons, such as brushing too hard or not brushing properly. Using a toothbrush with bristles that are too hard can cause tooth decay, broken teeth, cracked teeth, receding gums, overactive dentin, bruxism, eating acidic foods and not brushing your teeth. chewing solids having too much tartar on the teeth These various causes cause tooth enamel or teeth to wear away. and when dentin is no longer protected by enamel If something hits, it may spread to the pulp of the tooth in the middle of the dentin. causing teething symptoms to follow

How can tooth sensitivity be treated?

If you feel a tingling sensation around your teeth when exposed to heat or cold It’s best to see a dentist as soon as possible. But if you know that you only have receding gums or worn teeth necks but not to the level of tooth sensitivity We can change our behavior to prevent future tooth sensitivity, such as using a soft-bristled toothbrush, scraping every 6 months, and avoiding chewing on solids. Refrain from eating sour foods or drinks, etc.

But if it’s still inconvenient to go see a dentist or want to treat the initial symptoms by yourself first May try to use toothpaste to reduce tooth sensitivity as a way to relieve symptoms

Toothpaste to reduce tooth sensitivity

In fact, toothpaste to reduce tooth sensitivity contains ingredients that can help reduce tooth sensitivity and relieve toothache. Many brands contain the following ingredients:

  • Strontium Chloride, Potassium Nitrate, Potassium Citrate, Arginine Bicarbonate and Aluminum Lactate. (Aluminum Lactate) is a substance that fills the channels of the teeth that connect to the nerves in the root canals. This causes less sensitive nerves to be stimulated. Thereby reducing the pain from sensitive teeth.

  • Fluoride is a substance that strengthens the enamel of fragile teeth. In addition, if it is concentrated fluoride, it can also help relieve tooth sensitivity.

  • Natural pumice stone that cleans teeth without damaging enamel.

  • Myrrh or tree sap that has gum health properties.

  • Calcium Carbonate, a dental polishing agent teeth cleaning does not damage the enamel

  • Sodium Chloride (Sodium Chloride) and Silica (Silica) help clean gums and teeth. Reduce bad breath and reduce limestone stains.

However, toothpaste to reduce tooth sensitivity may not be effective immediately. It may take several days or months to relieve tooth sensitivity. and unable to treat tooth decay or periodontal disease Therefore, if the teeth are very sensitive, it is best to see a dentist for treatment.

Toothpaste to reduce tooth sensitivity


For people who want to buy toothpaste to help reduce tooth sensitivity. Things that should be taken into account are the following:

  • Toothpaste must contain desensitizing agents such as strontium chloride, potassium nitrate, potassium citrate, aluminum lactate.

  • Choose a toothpaste with fluoride. To help enamel and prevent tooth decay. The appropriate amount of fluoride for adults is 1,000-1,500 ppm.

  • Choose a cream or gel toothpaste to protect your enamel.

  • Choose a toothpaste that meets the needs of use in addition to reducing tooth sensitivity, for example, if you want to whiten your teeth as well. Look at brands that have properties that help whiten teeth. If you want to help reduce bad breath, choose a mixture of herbs or salt, sodium chloride, etc.

  • Choose a toothpaste approved by a dental organization. have standard certification

Recommended toothpaste to reduce tooth sensitivity
which brand is good

1. Sparkle Sensitive Professional Toothpaste


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Toothpaste to reduce sensitive teeth with tripotassium citrate. (Tripotassium Citrate) Helps to reduce the transmission of tooth sensitivity in the nerve impulses. Enamel Boost helps fill the dentin. with natural minerals like pumice that help clean teeth make the teeth shiny without damaging the enamel layer Including myrrh (Myrrh) or sap that has health care properties for gums. Plus, the brand also guarantees that it reduces tooth sensitivity immediately after using the product for 9.27 seconds, based on research results in a group of 50 people.

  • Size : 100 g.
  • Normal price : 190 baht

2. Colgate Sensitive PRO-Relief Whitening Toothpaste (Colgate Sensitive PRO-Relief)


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Toothpaste to reduce sensitive teeth from famous brands Pro-Argin Formula Containing Arginine Bicarbonate (Arginine Bicarbonate) that helps reduce tooth sensitivity quickly and for a long time. (when applying toothpaste directly to sensitive teeth) based on research results in a group of 75 volunteers, as well as a mixture of calcium carbonate (Calcium Carbonate) which is a tooth polishing agent. Remove food and drink stains without damaging the tooth enamel

  • Size : 110 g.
  • Normal price : 199 baht

3. Salz Sensitive Active Block Toothpaste with Aluminum Lactate (SALZ Sensitive Aluminum Lactate)


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Salz Active Block Toothpaste contains Aluminum Lactate and Potassium Nitrate to help reduce tooth sensitivity. by filling the open root cavity and suppress the pain sensation of the nerve endings in the root cavity It also contains sodium fluoride. Helps enamel to be stronger. And reduce bad breath, increase confidence with sodium chloride salt and DPG to help prevent gingivitis.

  • Size : 160 g.
  • Normal price : 139 baht

4. Dentiste’ Sensitive Toothpaste Pump


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Dentiste toothpaste comes in a pump bottle package. Is a formula to prevent and reduce sensitive teeth with a mixture of Potassium Nitrate (Potassium Nitrate) that helps coat the enamel layer, add Silica (Silica) to help polish teeth, remove dirt that adheres to teeth without damaging enamel. And there are also 14 other herbs that add freshness to the mouth without SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) or foaming agents. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid that it will cause irritation in the mouth.

  • Size : 100 g.
  • Normal price : 325 baht

5. Sensodyne Rapid Relief Toothpaste


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This brand is already known for reducing tooth sensitivity. For example, this Sensodyne Rapid Relief contains Strontium Chloride that helps reduce tooth sensitivity. which the brand states Clinically proven to reduce tooth sensitivity in 60 seconds by squeezing a pea-sized amount of toothpaste onto your finger and rubbing over sensitive areas. Toothpaste acts by blocking the exposed dentin surface. Regularly brushing your teeth twice a day can help prevent tooth sensitivity for a long time. However, it is not recommended for children under 12 years of age unless recommended by a dentist or physician.

  • Size : 100 g.
  • Normal price : 149 baht

6. Gum Alive Special Gum Care Toothpaste


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The herbal line should be interesting. Gum Alive toothpaste Special Gum Care Formula with many herbal ingredients, including extracts from clove oil Has properties to help reduce toothache pain. Chamomile extract reduces inflammation and irritation. Add freshness with mint scent. Bodhi bark extract reduces gingivitis and scurvy. And the koi helps to scrub the plaque in the mouth and strengthen the teeth. when used continuously

  • Size : 100 g.
  • Normal price : 165 baht

7. Fluocaril 40 Plus Sensitive Toothpaste (Fluocaril 40+ Sensitive)


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the older Tooth sensitivity will increase, so Fluocaril has 40 Plus Sensitive Toothpaste for people aged 40 and over, mainly containing Potassium Citrate to help reduce tooth sensitivity. And contains fluoride 1,450 ppm to prevent tooth decay and repair early tooth decay Contains hydrated silica (Hydrated silica) to help clean gums and teeth effectively. Contains microactive ingredients Helps to remove plaque bacteria along the edge of the gums. Reduce symptoms of gingivitis

  • Size : 160 g.
  • Normal price : 157 baht

8. Twin Lotus Sensitive Herbal Toothpaste


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Twin lotus toothpaste An old herbal toothpaste brand with a sensitive formula that reduces sensitive teeth with natural herbs. There are both Ya Dok Khao and Cat’s Whisker grass that contain natural potassium nitrate. It can help reduce tooth sensitivity. Koi has anti-inflammatory effects and reduces plaque. Glass helps reduce bad breath. Sea tongue protects tooth enamel Including Centella asiatica helps heal wounds as well People who like the scent of herbs may like it.

  • Size : 90 g.
  • Normal price : 76 baht

Who is looking for a toothpaste to reduce tooth sensitivity? Try to choose from the information that we offer. However, if using toothpaste, the tooth sensitivity has not decreased. Seeing a dentist is probably the best solution.

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