what changes for your complementary on March 1, 2023

by time news

AGIRC ARRCO. Agirc-Arrco supplementary pensions are subject to regularization on March 1, 2023. Some retirees will benefit from an increase, others should be less lucky.

[Mis à jour le 28 février 2023 à 11h38] Good news for some retirees, the Agirc-Arrco supplementary pension will update the rate of deduction from the CSG starting the 1 March 2023 ! For some, this novelty is synonymous with an increase in the pension. On the other hand, others might look gloomy when taking a look at their bank account. We will explain everything to you. If your CSG rate fell in 2023, you will receive a transfer corresponding to the reimbursement of the excess social security contributions deducted from your January and February 2023 pension on March 1, 2023. Your pension will increase because the social security contributions applicable in 2023 will be deducted. Second option, if your CSG rate increased in 2023, your complementary Agirc-Arrco will decrease in March, because the months of January and February have been paid without taking into account this increase, it is time to regularize. From April, everything will be back to normal and your pension will stabilize at its real level, given that the regularization of the first two months of the year will have been passed on to March.

What is the Agirc-Arrco scheme?

The Agirc-Arrco scheme is a supplementary pension scheme for employees. Unified on January 1, 2019, this plan was born from the merger between:

  • Agirc (General Association of Executive Retirement Institutions) created in 1947 by social partners to manage a supplementary pension scheme dedicated to executive employees in industry and commerce;
  • Arrco (Association of supplementary pension schemes for employees) created in 1961 by the CNPF (National Council of French Employers), FO (Force Ouvrière) and the CFDT (French Confederation of Christian Workers) to offer a supplementary scheme to other private sector employees.

Now generalized to the entire private sector, the Agirc-Arrco is a mandatory supplementary pay-as-you-go scheme, ie the contributions collected from employees and employers are used to pay pensioners’ allowances directly. The scheme also refuses recourse to indebtedness in order to ensure that its affiliates receive payment of their pensions when they retire.

Who contributes to Agirc-Arrco?

Agirc-Arrco concerns all employees in the private sector paying pension contributions, regardless of whether they work in commerce, industry, services or agriculture.

The scheme announces on its official website that there are 25,524,000 policyholders having acquired at least one point (all types of rights) during the year 2019, excluding retirees and deceased persons. Of these more than 25 million contributors, there are 11.8 million women and 13.7 million men working as employees in the private sector. The average retirement age of female contributors to the scheme is 62 years and 10 months, and that of male contributors is 62 years and 5 months.

Agirc-Arrco also collects employee and employer contributions from 1.7 million companies and 2.6 million individual employers belonging to the private sector, as well as contributions from Unédic (unemployment insurance) and the State (national employment fund allowing pre-retirees made redundant for economic reasons to receive an allowance until full retirement age).

What is the amount of the Agirc-Arrco survivor’s pension?

Paying more than 80 billion euros in pensions each year to 13 million retirees (84 billion euros in 2021), Agirc-Arrco provides for a survivor’s pension when the contributing employee or the retiree who has contributed dies. This survivor’s pension may be granted under certain conditions:

  • to the surviving spouse of the deceased;
  • to his ex-spouse;
  • to his orphans, if the second parent is also deceased.

The amount of the survivor’s pension is equal to 60% of the supplementary pension of the deceased employee or retiree. The so-called anticipation coefficient is never taken into account (the earlier the retirement takes place, the lower the coefficient, and the more it reduces the amount of the pension) in the calculation of the survivor’s pension.

What is the difference between Ircantec and Agirc-Arrco?

Ircantec (Complementary pension institution for non-tenured State and public authority agents) is also a compulsory complementary pension scheme, but which concerns part of the civil service. The first major difference between Ircantec and Agirc-Arrco is therefore the contributor sector.

In addition, Agirc-Arrco concerns all employees in the private sector, while Ircantec is open only to non-permanent agents of the State and public authorities. As a result, Ircantec is a supplementary scheme which concerns a number of active contributors much lower than that of Agirc-Arrco (3 million in 2019).

It is possible to reach Agirc-Arrco for free in different ways. In addition to the FAQ (frequently asked questions) section of the Agirc-Arrco.fr website, which aims to be the reference service for all questions on retirement and the scheme, Agirc-Arrco can be contacted directly:

It is also possible to reach the scheme by telephone on 0 970 660 660 where specialized pension advisers answer from Monday to Friday, from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. without interruption. However, the non-surcharged call is still chargeable.

To access your Agirc-Arrco personal account, you must connect to the dedicated section on the supplementary scheme website. Free and secure, the Agirc-Arrco personal space requires a FranceConnect account, which is the digital solution put in place by the State to simplify connection to the various online public services. Access to his Agirc-Arrco personal account is therefore done by choosing one of the accounts that the affiliate already has, for example his taxpayer account on the impots.gouv.fr site, or his insured account on the site ameli.fr (health insurance) or MSA.fr (agricultural social insurance). The Agirc-Arrco personal account gives the possibility of accessing many services.

Allowing in particular to consult his career statement, to simulate his rights or to request his retirement online, the Agirc-Arrco personal account is also a place to see his payments. Indeed, if it is obviously possible to consult your current bank account to see if your pension has arrived, the Agirc-Arrco personal space provides the Agirc-Arrco payment certificates within its “My documentary space” section. .

For people wishing to know when their Agirc-Arrco payments will take place, the scheme has posted a page dedicated to the schedule of retirement pension payments (monthly, quarterly or annual payments).

For any other information on payments, you are asked to contact your pension fund directly.

The Agirc-Arrco personal space also allows you to obtain your tax certificate. Once identified on his personal Agirc-Arrco account, it is possible to:

  • simply consult the Agirc-Arrco tax certificate online, for example for people who wish to know the taxable amount of their supplementary pensions;
  • or download it in order to have its tax certificate available, including offline.

It is also possible to obtain its Agirc-Arrco tax certificate by e-mail or by post. To do this, the member must request that it be sent to his pension fund, and not to the services of the Agirc-Arrco scheme.

In the event of the death of an Agirc-Arrco beneficiary, heirs should inform the regional pension fund of the deceased. To do this, you must write a letter including the name and surname of the deceased person, their Social Security number, as well as the date and place of death. In addition, it is recommended to attach a death certificate (compulsory if it took place abroad).

If one of the beneficiaries can claim a survivor’s pension on the death of the member, he must make the request by completing the dedicated online form in the Agirc-Arrco personal space (the Social Security number of the deceased is required again). If the beneficiary does not yet have a personal space, he will have to create one.

Is the supplementary pension taxable?

Like the basic pension, the supplementary pension is subject to income tax, and must therefore be declared to the tax authorities. On the other hand, the member receiving his retirement pensions does not in principle have to take any action since the entry into force in France on January 1, 2019 of the withholding tax. The sums collected under the supplementary pension are sent directly by the member’s pension fund to the tax department on the basis of a tax return. As for the amount of pensions received over the year, it is in principle pre-filled by the tax authorities in the affiliate’s income tax declaration. The latter must still verify the accuracy of the amount entered.

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