A man arrested in Vendée

by time news

The investigation into the disappearance of a young couple in Deux-Sèvres has just made progress on Tuesday. A man was arrested Tuesday morning in Vendée by the gendarmes, according to a source close to the file confirming information from the Western Mail.

A gendarmerie operation took place early in the morning in the town of Aiguillon-sur-Mer, to apprehend this suspect, a relative of the couple in their twenties, who is now heard under the regime of the jail. This is the man who was to accommodate the young couple, the night of his disappearance.

The newspaper argues that the investigators found inconsistencies between the statements of this person, who had already been heard as a witness, and the record of his telephone communications.

He had participated in an organized search to find the couple

Leslie Hoorelbeke, 22, and Kevin Trompat, 21, have not given any sign of life since the night of November 25 to 26 in Prahecq, a town of 2,000 souls near Niort, where they had spent the evening with a neighbor of the man arrested. They then had to go to sleep at his house. A dog belonging to the young woman also vanished.

During this evening, the suspect would have passed briefly to the dinner in which the young couple participated and would later have exchanged text messages with Leslie. On January 5, he had participated in a hunt organized in Prahecq by Kevin’s mother-in-law to try to find them. “Kevin still had the keys to my house,” he told the press that day. Me, I lived more at home, I live in a truck. They came around 5:30 p.m., we saw each other. They had the potato, we had a good laugh together. Then I went to my brother’s house and to a techno party”. His house has since been placed under seal.

Kevin had “10,000 euros” on him before his disappearance, according to his mother-in-law

The investigators have leaked little information on their investigations since the opening of a judicial investigation, at the end of December in Poitiers, for “arrest, kidnapping, detention or kidnapping. »

Kevin’s mother-in-law, Karine Prat, said during the investigation that her son-in-law had “10,000 euros” on him shortly before the disappearance. She herself would have brought him money – the amount varied – on the evening of the events in Prahecq, to ​​her knowledge to buy a car. According to her, in the evening, Kevin had an appointment in the village square. When the young man returned a few minutes later, she found him disturbed and he allegedly told her that he had met some suspicious guys in a car. She then left the couple for dinner at their friend’s house.

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