“The Day of Disruption”: The police are preparing to deal with demonstrations and blockades The full schedule

by time news

A battle of wits between the Israel Police, through the Operations Division, and the organizers of the protest against the legal reform – this is the only way to define the preparation of the police on the one hand and the organizers and demonstrators on the other for tomorrow, the so-called “Day of Disruption”, during which protest demonstrations will take place almost all over the country, with as always also This time the center will be in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.

Today there is the commissioner of the RNA Kobi Shabtai A long meeting that lasted several hours in the Operations Division, with the intention of examining the preparations and building the response plan of the police for tomorrow’s protests. This is after the police gathered intelligence information in the last few days in order to prepare for any scenario that may arise from the protesters.

A senior police official points out: “We are preparing for spontaneous blockades, when the demonstrators have posted a number of protest centers, and at the same time their goal is certainly to operate in many sectors and in extensive areas, so we will be there as well, or at least close to there with the aim of responding quickly and efficiently.

He added: “We are aware of intentions to block delegates that do not appear in the publications so far, and we will respond accordingly. We also know that the demonstrators intend to come to the homes of the members of the Constitution Committee, and the police will also be there. We may not reach all of them, but we will be in the places that we have based and accurate information about them.”

We note that even during these hours, the police are working to collect intelligence information and analyze it, and at the same time, the Operations Division under the command of Superintendent Sigal Bar Zvi and in full coordination with Commissioner Shabtai, is thinking towards an overall operational plan that will provide a response in the fastest and most efficient time while fully intending to maintain public safety, and to prevent shutdown of the economy.

“National Disruption Day” – the full schedule for the protest events

08:00 – Parent and student protests outside dozens of institutions across the country. Democracy studies outside
08:30 – Demonstration in the plaza of the AI ​​- Chaim Lebanon Museum 2. Explaining to Galant what national security and resilience are. Among the speakers: Dan Halutz, Yuval Diskin

10:00 – Marched from the stage to Kaplan
10:00 – Convoys of agricultural tools throughout the country
12:00 – High-tech demonstrations throughout the country

14:00 – Emergency rally of all health professions in Israel – ‘Without democracy there is no health’ in front of Weizmann Court 1 Tel Aviv
16:00 – Demonstration in the Rose Garden in Jerusalem – ‘Guarding the Image of God in Man’
17:00 – A day of rage at Karkur Junction

19:00 until midnight – Demonstration in front of Netanyahu’s residence at 35 Gaza Street, Jerusalem

All day long:
Demonstrations, convoys and protest marches in cities and intersections, as well as home visits to ministers and Knesset members.

The organizers of the National Disruption Day stated: “Two months of struggle are behind us and now in the face of continuing legislation and bringing new elimination laws to the High Court we are moving up a step. Israel will not be a dictatorship, the millions who took to the streets in the last eight weeks have already made that clear, now we are moving to direct action. His determination only grew to save the State of Israel and the values ​​of the Declaration of Independence.’

The organizers added: “We expect the Israel Police to ignore the neighborhood bully Ben Gabir, secure the democratic protest and free him time to deal with the only thing he understands. A model for Tiktok videos.’

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