How To Check Cervical Cancer 2023 Ticket 30 baht Mekha News (with news value): A news website that will present news to protect your rights.

by time news

National Health Security Office (NHSO.) Open for cervical cancer screening service. Under the National Health Security System (gold card 30 baht), those who want to receive the service You can contact to receive the service. There is a news fee, so I summarize the details for you.

Read more >> How To Colon Cancer Screening 2023, 30 baht card

Target group :

1. Female with Thai nationality There is a 13-digit national ID number for every right of treatment. including vacant rights (except aliens) who are at high risk and at the doctor’s discretion ordering screening

  • All Thai women aged 30 – 59 years old
  • Thai women aged 15-29

Benefits : Cervical cancer screening Can be checked 1 time every 5 years, there are 3 methods:

1. Pap smear method (pap smear)

2. Visual inspection with acetic acid (VIA) method, check with vinegar.

3. The HPV DNA Test method detects the DNA of the HPV virus that causes cervical cancer.

Procedure for exercising rights: Just show your ID card to get the service as follows

1.Gold Patent Advise to receive service from the service unit according to the right If the primary care unit exceeds its capacity will issue a referral letter to the referral service unit according to their right or contact any service unit in the NHSO system

2. Other rights such as social security, government officials, government agencies, etc., recommending services at Government service units can be anywhere, focusing on close to home, such as public health service centers, STD hospitals, government hospitals near home

note : Cost of receiving the service It will depend on the discretion of the doctor in the examination. If the doctor ordered the screening test can exercise the right without any cost But if it is requested by the doctor without ordering the examination You may have to pay your own expenses. Before entering the service every time It is advisable to contact the service unit first.

Thank you information >> National Health Security Office

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