IMSS opens 5,600 new places for recently graduated residents

by time news
  • The general director of the IMSS reported that from March 1 to 9 the job fair for medical specialists will take place.
  • For the first time, an international call for medical specialists is being held.
  • It will make it possible to have 156 foreign doctors in specialties such as traumatology and orthopedics, anesthesiology, general surgery, gynecology and obstetrics, pediatrics, internal medicine and radiodiagnosis.

The CEO of the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), Zoé Robledo, reported that the institution trains half of the specialist doctors in the country. He also said that it went from 3,960 graduates in 2019 to 5,600 in 2023, due to the increase in scholarships for residents. In fact, these doctors who graduated will be offered a job option starting tomorrow so that they can continue at the institute with new working conditions and development opportunities.

He indicated that since 1987 Social Security has held a job or recruitment fair. This 2023 will be from March 1 to 9, through which it is intended to attract graduate doctors.

Economic support for the couples of the residents

Zoé Robledo explained that this year the vacancies available in the states that have gone through the process of federalization of health services were tied. As part of the new proposals for resident doctors, they are offered to opt for a shift at the ordinary regime of the IMSS and another in hospitals of IMSS-Bienestar.

He added that a call for wives and husbands of medical specialists to participate, in order for them to accept a position in Social Security, in IMSS-Welfare and, in some states, they work with governments that have vacancies to offer them to couples. This seeks to “support this family income even more and avoid the disintegration of families or couples.”

Zoé Robledo affirmed that in those places without specialist medical coverage, compensation of nine thousand pesos per month will be given to those who opt for these positions. In medical units with partial coverage it is more than five thousand pesos and, in the case of Mexico City, Guadalajara and Monterrey, the support is almost two thousand pesos.

First call to hire foreign doctors

On the other hand, the general director of the IMSS indicated that it is the first time that a international call for medical specialists. It will allow 156 prospects from Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Haiti, Nicaragua, Peru, the Dominican Republic and Venezuela, among others. With them coverage is given in the specialties of traumatology and orthopedics, anesthesiology, general surgery, gynecology and obstetrics, pediatrics, internal medicine and radiodiagnosis.

He added that this will cover “those places where there have been places that are offered year after year and that nobody takes them, are mainly in remote places where there is great need and also a lot of vocation of these doctors who come to these places.”

He pointed out that in order to attract more medical specialists, Social Security carried out a investment of close to 400 million pesos and went from 200 to 400 training centers in all specialties.

In another order of ideas, Zoé Robledo explained that for the field rotation of doctors in training, 2,057 senior doctors will participate. Before they rotated in Social Security facilities and in the 80 Rural Hospitals of IMSS-Bienestar, but now there will be 232 hospitals that were transferred to IMSS-Bienestar.

Some of these have never had residents and are in remote, rural areas with primary care for the indigenous population.

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IMSS publishes the national call for medical personnel 2023: These are the available places

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