For International Women’s Day: five ways that will make you feel the sexiest

by time news

I’ll start with a question: why is a woman supposed to be or feel sexy, and what is a ‘sexy woman’ anyway?

In my eyes, ‘sexy’ is not what you are in the eyes of others, man or woman, and it is also not something you are “supposed” to be – a sexy woman is deeply connected to herself; feeling sexual; She has confidence in her body, which starts internally and radiates outward; She wants to experience sexual pleasure, love and be loved.
If you also want all these, to be a sexy woman inside and out, get some tips that can help you feel sexual, sensual, wild and insanely sexy – apply the tips and discover that the sexiest woman in the world is you!

Five tips that will help you feel sexier (Photo: EngImage)

Feminine power

A woman who exudes confidence, in her behavior and body language is sexy in the eyes of the observer. High self-confidence, it doesn’t mean you have to be a beach from hell, a woman who knows what she’s worth will wear a smile in the morning, be direct and clear to the environment and walk with her back straight – and that’s all the sexiness she needs. The confidence she exudes will attract others to try and understand what it is about her that makes her so valuable. A woman who is confident in herself and who knows what she wants, in the areas of life and in bed – she will know how to say how she wants her man to please her, and no less important, she will not be afraid to ask what her man wants in bed and how to please him.


When a person feels good about himself, he dresses and puts on perfume accordingly, on the other hand, when he’s sick or feeling down, he stays in his pajamas from Joyeft or doesn’t bother to comb his hair when he leaves the house. You have to remember that the relationship between feeling good and external grooming is a bit of a ‘chicken and egg’. If you feel bad and instead of gathering within yourself, take care of yourself – take a shower, put on a nice outfit, put on makeup, fix your hair and put on a perfume that smells good – note that at this moment the mood can also improve and depending on what you transmit to the world. Caring for the body and the mind go hand in hand and accordingly, removing unnecessary body hair, massaging the body with creams, facial cleansing, pedicure, manicure and other beauty treatments, make you feel better, you will feel beautiful and cared for and broadcast to the world ‘I’m crazy sexy!’

Grooming can also contribute to your feelings (Photo: EngImage)Grooming can also contribute to your feelings (Photo: EngImage)

inner happiness

Happy, happy and positive people are people everyone wants to be around. Happiness is magnetizing and attractive, because everyone wants to be happy. A woman who is happy from the inside will radiate happiness outward with a smile and she will experience the same happiness in all areas and accordingly also in the bedroom. A woman with inner happiness is a complete woman, connected to herself and knows how to enjoy and delight – to enjoy work, to enjoy being a mother, to enjoy sex. She will radiate the same self-confidence from a magnet mentioned earlier, will not be easily influenced by the opinions of others, will be comfortable with her body, will love herself and will allow others to love and delight her.

passion for life

Lust for life is the desire to devour the world. Desire will be expressed in a variety of areas such as lustful eating and of course sex dripping with passion and animal sexuality. The wildness and enthusiasm of people with a passion for life is contagious and overwhelming. When desire is also there in everyday life, which is not directly related to sex, you can know that in bed it will be intensified many times over. A woman with a passion for life will look people in the eyes with a penetrating look, she will be clear about what she wants and she will always want more and more. There is no doubt that the sex will be particularly wild and lively, but it is important to remember to be gentle in the right places.

Passion for life is the desire to devour the world (Photo: EngImage)Passion for life is the desire to devour the world (Photo: EngImage)

the whole package

In the end, everything is related to the energy that surrounds you, what you transmit to the world from the inside out. Do you collapse from every comment that is said to you or do you walk with your back straight and don’t let others bend you? Do you smile at the world and allow it to smile back at you? Do you know how to please yourself and explain to a man how to please you? You determine what is the energy that will envelop you, and what is the package that you bring into the world. A woman with all of the above – self-confident, feminine and well-groomed, with passion in her eyes and above all happy deep inside – will be surrounded by positive, magnetizing and attractive energy. This energy is the sexiness, sexuality and sensuality that lies in what you spread around you. The inner knowledge that you are who you are and that is the best It’s good to have in the world = a woman who oozes sexiness and sensuality – in her look, in her body movements, in her smile, in her eyes, in her voice, in her touch – in everything.

And what do the men think?

Although ‘being a sexy woman’ is related to how you feel and what you experience, but ultimately sexuality is also related to attraction and a marital and sexual relationship with the current partner or potential partners. One could think that men would think that sexiness comes from external appearance, a short skirt or a bare chest, but you will be surprised, even in the eyes of men, a sexy woman is a woman who has all the above parameters: a woman who is self-confident, well-groomed, feminine, at peace with her body and sexy in my own eyes.

Peaceful with her body and sexy in my own eyes (Photo: EngImage)Peaceful with her body and sexy in my own eyes (Photo: EngImage)

In conclusion, sexiness is something that comes from within. Feel sensual and it will be expressed externally and conquer the environment. If you don’t feel sexy, don’t look for the baby doll or the most revealing evening dress and don’t buy the reddest ruby ​​or the tiniest bikini; Instead of looking outside, look deep inside, ask yourself what you lack, to connect with yourself and your sexuality, to feel deep down a sexy woman! When you connect with the sexy woman in you, you will be able to shout it to the whole world, and when the question arises, who is the sexiest woman in the world? Answer: Me!



Limor Bandel, a Leng teacher, accompanies couples and individuals to create sexual desire and passion for years. Enter the Facebook group Waking Together for more posts on the subject.

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