Akirov: “Do you think I’ll invest half a billion dollars in insurance at all for ego reasons?

by time news

“Do you think I will invest half a billion dollars in Clal Insurance just for ego and revenge reasons? Whoever claims this is talking nonsense,” businessman Alfred Akirov, who is interested in acquiring control of Clal Insurance, tells Maariv. He said, “Elrov’s board of directors has legally approved the deal, and I have no stakeholders there.”

Through attorney Guy Ne’eman, Akirov officially submitted the documents required for approval of the purchase of the insurance company yesterday. In order to promote the transaction on the media level, Akirov hired the services of public relations man Zamir Dahbash.

Akirov adds: “I am investing the money in the long run. This is a good deal, and contrary to these and other claims I have no other considerations here and I have no interest in taking revenge on Clal Insurance’s management (for opposing one of the stakeholder deals Georgi made).”

According to the businessman, he will not have difficulty raising the financing required to carry out the transaction and has all the means at his disposal. In order to purchase Clal, Akirov will also be asked to make a partial purchase offer from the general public, as well as to present available capital from independent means, estimated at NIS 2.5-3 billion.

“I would not have gone for a 15% purchase if I had not had a serious intention,” he adds. “I will meet all the conditions that will be set before the Supervisor of Insurance. It is still not sure if I will join the board and in what format. Benny George will not be on the board. Alrov Board of Directors, controlled by Akirov, and as director of several banks).

Asked about the future of Clal Insurance’s executives, the businessman added: “The company’s management’s opposition to the deal is understandable. They want to keep the chair. However, I will not address the issue at the managerial level. Those who will handle it will be the board members. And the law. “

The Supervisor of Insurance, Dr. Moshe Barkat, began examining the application for the permit yesterday.


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