Conservatives first elected a woman as a presidential candidate

by time news

History of the history of the French Conservative Republican Party: For the first time in the history of the party, which put most of France’s presidents out of its ranks, a woman was elected – Valerie Packers, president of the Ile-de-France region where Paris is located, as the Conservative candidate in the French presidential election. Packers, 54, who previously served as minister of higher education and budget planning, won the second round of voting with 61 percent of the party’s votes compared to 39 percent who voted for rival Eric Siotti, the party’s ultra-right-wing leader who opposes immigration and Islam.

“I bring a project of real change and of the right to stick to his positions, since France can lose no more time,” Packers declared in her victory speech. Who are tired of seeing the republic retreat in the face of criminals and extremists, to all those who strive for more respect in their work and lives, those who long for more freedom so that they can fulfill their dreams I say: Join us. I’m the only one who can beat Emanuel Macron. I know what hard fights are, I know how to win them. I am a woman who wins and does. ‘

Packers’ victory in the Republican presidential nomination could, in the opinion of experts, weaken Macron’s electoral power, as Packers represents the mainstream of the Republican Party, and could attract “soft” right-wing voters to many of Macron. However, Packers’ candidacy will increase competition between two National Right candidates – National Conference leader Marin Le Pen and Jewish journalist Eric Zamor, who will now work to attract “hard” right-wing voters who hoped to see Nightmare as the right-wing presidential candidate. Nightmares on his part, and the rest of the other candidates in the Republican nomination, presented a united front at the end of the vote and promised to work together for victory in the presidential election. The last time the Conservative Republican Party won a presidential election was in 2007 with Nicolas Sarkozy. Of the 13 politicians who have so far announced their candidacy for the presidency of France (Macron himself has not yet officially announced his candidacy) four are women. Packers will be joined by Marin Le Pen, mayor of Paris Ann Hidalgo, who is a candidate for the Socialist Party, and Natalie Arto, who is a candidate for the far-left Labor Party. Two of the four candidates, Packers and Le Pen, have a good chance of advancing to the second round of voting to be held in late April 2022, most likely against President Macron.

On Sunday, Eric Zamor will hold his first official election rally on the outskirts of Paris. At the conference, Zamor is supposed to reveal his election platform. More than 10,000 of Zamor’s supporters are expected to attend the political event. At the same time, far-left and far-left organizations will hold demonstrations with the stated aim of “silencing Zmor.” Fears of widespread violent incidents prompted the US embassy in France to recommend that American citizens refrain from attending the event. Politicians, mostly from left-wing parties, have demanded a ban on Zamor’s election rally.

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