Are you Always Tired? These are 11 Possible Causes

by time news

It’s normal to feel tired from time to time if you don’t get enough sleep, but if you feel tired almost all the time, it’s time to find out what’s causing your fatigue.

It’s easy to blame those yawning and feelings of fatigue on being too busy or not getting enough sleep or being overly stressed.

Usually you’re right.

But sometimes it’s not “normal” fatigue. And that’s when it’s important to take a deeper dive into those lingering, disabling feelings of drowsiness or complete exhaustion.

Are you always tired, falling asleep on the couch night after night and struggling to stay awake for your favorite television show? Do you find yourself canceling plans because you have no energy and would rather go to bed? Is your fatigue getting in the way of your life?

Then there could be other causes beyond the obvious.

1. Medications

There are many prescription and over-the-counter medications that can disrupt your sleep patterns or cause chronic fatigue. The most common are antihistamines, some antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, and some blood pressure medications. Other culprits may include seizure or epilepsy medications and muscle relaxants.

2. Depression

Persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or emptiness can cause people to sleep too much or with difficulty, which can lead to exhaustion.

3. Thyroid gland

Your Thyroid When your thyroid doesn’t produce enough of its hormones, the hypothyroidism that follows can leave you feeling tired and weak (among other things). Left untreated, the symptoms, which gradually develop over time, can worsen. An overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism) can also cause fatigue in some people. Thyroid problems are easy to detect with a simple blood test.

4. Diabetes

When your body can’t use glucose properly, it builds up in the blood and can deplete your energy levels. Fatigue is one of the earliest and most common signs of diabetes. Diabetes increases the risk of sleep apnea and restless legs syndrome.

5. Sleep disorders

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Sleep apnea occurs when the muscles at the back of your throat can’t keep your airway open – hence the loud snoring, tossing and turning and choking and gasping at night that can disturb your sleep (often without you realizing it).

Sleep apnea is associated with being overweight or obese, but thin people can also suffer from this condition. Left untreated, it can lead to high blood pressure, heart disease, and problems with mood and memory.

A CPAP machine is often an effective way to manage the condition. Restless Leg Syndrome causes an overwhelming and strong desire and urge to move your legs, especially at night when you are resting, making it difficult to get a good night’s sleep.

6. Dehydration

Fatigue can be a sign of dehydration. If your body doesn’t get enough water, it can’t function properly. Your blood pressure drops, your heart rate increases and the blood flow to your brain slows down. Older adults, people with diabetes or other chronic illnesses, and people who work or exercise outside in the heat are more prone to dehydration. Thirst is not always a reliable indicator or warning. You can be dehydrated before you feel thirsty.

7. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

This disease is characterized by prolonged, debilitating fatigue that does not improve with rest and worsens with physical or mental activity. It can be difficult to diagnose, and its cause or causes are unknown.

8. Fibromyalgia

This condition that causes constant pain and fatigue affects women more often than men. It can disrupt sleep and has also been linked to other sleep disorders such as restless leg syndrome and sleep apnea. Even though people with fibromyalgia can sleep for a long time, it’s not uncommon for them to wake up tired and unrefreshed, which can hinder functioning and reduce their quality of life.

9. Allergies


Research published in the Archives of Internal Medicine found that the more severe your allergy symptoms are, the worse your sleep will be. Allergies send your immune system into overdrive, which can cause chronic inflammation and fatigue. Allergies can also disrupt your breathing, cause snoring, and keep you up at night. And if you take medications to treat your allergies, such as decongestants or antihistamines, some of them can also disrupt your sleep patterns.

10. Your diet

If you don’t get enough calories — or calories in the wrong form — your energy levels can lag. A lack of iron can lead to anemia (dark green leafy vegetables, lentils, nuts, seeds and eggs are some good sources of iron). A lack of protein, which nourishes your body to repair and build tissues, can also wreak havoc on your energy levels. Make sure you get enough with beans, cheese, tofu, fish and lean red meat.

11. Anemia

If you don’t have enough red blood cells—whether because of blood loss or decreased production—you can become anemic, and the cells in your body don’t get enough oxygen to function properly. Older adults are especially vulnerable if they have a poor diet or other medical conditions; this also applies to women of childbearing age because of the blood loss due to menstruation or the higher demands a pregnancy places on the blood supply. There are over 400 types of anemia, which can be temporary or chronic.


The best way to find out what is causing your excessive sleepiness is to be aware of the possible underlying causes. A look at your health, your patterns and your habits can give you insight. A sleep study can also be very helpful if an underlying sleep disorder is suspected.

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