Early retirement without losing pension: Workers who can retire for free

by time news

Wednesday, March 1, 2023, 00:19

Each year, according to a calendar approved in the pension reforms of the past decade, the requirements for retirement are tightened. This 2023, only those who have contributed for at least 37 years and 9 months will be able to retire at the age of 65 -without suffering losses in their pension. If this figure is not reached, we will have to wait until we are 66 years and 4 months old.

It is possible to retire early, either voluntarily or by force. The minimum retirement age will be determined in each of the two cases by the number of years of contributions. It must be taken into account that in early retirement reduction coefficients are applied, which is the reduction in the amount of the pension for each period of time in which the retirement from work is brought forward.

With the latest changes introduced in the pension reform that the current government has not yet concluded, the coefficients are applied for each month, not for each quarter as up to now.

Workers who can retire ‘for free’

These pension cuts also apply to most professional groups “whose jobs are of an exceptionally arduous, dangerous or unhealthy nature and have high rates of morbidity or mortality.” These workers are allowed to retire earlier than the rest as long as “they prove the minimum activity established in the respective profession or work, are in a situation of registration or assimilated to that of registration and meet the other general requirements demanded ». And as a general rule, never before the age of 52.

These are groups:

-Workers included in the Mining Statute.

-Flight staff.

-Railway workers.


-Members of the Ertzaintza.

-Local police.


– Bullfighting professionals.

In these last two groups it is possible to retire early without applying reduction coefficients to the pension. Specifically, “singers, dancers and trapeze artists, from the age of 60 (…) when they have worked in the specialty for a minimum of 8 years during the 21 prior to retirement”.

For their part, and within bullfighting professionals, “matadors de toros, rejoneadores, novilleros, banderilleros, picadores and comic bullfighters” may retire at 55 years of age, provided they have performed in a certain number of bullfighting shows. In the case of matadors, rejoneadores and novilleros, “150 celebrations in any of these categories”. The banderilleros, picadores and comic bullfighters will be required “200 festivities in any of these categories” or in those indicated above. Finally, the puntilleros can retire from the age of 60 when they have performed at least 250 festivities of any professional category.

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