The senior reporter who served in intelligence exploded at the former minister: “What is this troll?”

by time news

Against the background of the “protest of the reservists” against the legal reform promoted by the government, former Minister of Internal Security Amar Bel Lev was interviewed by Ynet radio last night, where he said that it is possible to stop serving in the reserves if the reform is passed “as soon as there is a coup d’état, then you have to fight with all means”, he said. “Most of those who serve in the reserves serve voluntarily, so as soon as there is concern from their point of view that there is a coup d’état, then they can certainly stop volunteering.”

Yaron Avraham Photo: Tomer Neuberg/Flash90

Omar Bar-Lev justified the refusal: there comes a point where they say ‘enough’

According to him, “Today, the reserve formation is a very small part of all those who served in the IDF, so it means that most of it is done voluntarily, certainly in special operational units. As soon as these people feel that the country is going to be a different country than the one they fought and risked their lives for, there comes a point where they say to themselves ‘enough’.”

Omar Bar Lev Photo: Noam Revkin Fenton/Flash90

When Yaron Avraham’s liaison officer informed him that there were no more reserves

The person who was outraged by the words of the former minister is the political reporter of News 12, Yaron Avraham, who uploaded a monologue to his Tiktok account in which he spoke out against “the trolling” as he defined it in the fight against the legal reform. Avraham told in the video how he was sentenced to stop serving in the reserves by virtue of his position and how it bothered him “when I started working On channel 12 I received a call from a blocked number, I answered the call and on the other end of the line was the reserve representative of the Intelligence Corps, and she said to me, “Dear Yaron, our paths are forced to part, you know why”, and I understood why, it’s hard to be a journalist and an intelligence officer at the same time, even though I really liked what I was doing in the army and I wanted to continue reserve service as long as I can”

Yaron Avraham: “Say, friends, have we gone crazy, have we completely lost our minds?”

The journalist continued, “Then today I see the former minister, Omar Bar Lev, the former minister of national security, Omar Bar Lev, who says that it is very legitimate that people who feel that there is a coup d’état here should simply stop coming to the reserves because the reserves are voluntary” Avraham continued, “And I ask you, friends, have we gone crazy? Are we completely divided? A former minister until a moment ago, the minister of internal security who is in charge of the police, where else will we go? What is this troll?”

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