13,000 euros donations for earthquake victims within one week

by time news

earthquake relief

The organizers are happy about another 10,000 euros, which were donated by the citizens of Schwerte within a week for the earthquake victims in the Kurdish-Alevi disaster area. © swords helps

reading time

“A great interim result. The citizens of our town of Schwerte don’t leave people in need standing out in the rain,” commented Holger Hülsmeyer, chairman of the association “Schwerte hilft eV” on the receipt of the donation. 10,000 euros were donated within a week for earthquake victims in the Alevi-Kurdish disaster area after the appeal in the Ruhr News.

“Some swords spontaneously made large donations of 1,000 or 2,000 euros, others smaller sums. Everyone helps as he or she can,” explains Hülsmeyer. Together with the starting sum of the family doctor’s practice Spanke and the association “Schwerte hilft eV” it is already 13,000 euros.

use of donations

The money collected is currently being used to finance residential containers. At nighttime temperatures of minus 20 degrees, these are currently overcrowded by earthquake victims who lost everything in the catastrophe. Ceva Yilderim says that the money from Schwerte is mainly used in small towns where hardly any state aid has arrived so far.

The swordswoman Ceva Yilderim, who comes from the region, and her siblings had the idea for the relief campaign. She has been working in the Spanke general practice for over 30 years. Trusted local partners are the Kocgiri cultural associations from North Rhine-Westphalia, who help there on a voluntary basis with over 150 of their own helpers and heavy equipment.

The medical supplies donated by the town hall pharmacy in Schwerte and the Marie pharmacy in Wickede have arrived in the earthquake area and are being unpacked and distributed. © private

Further donations are welcome

Schwerte hilft eV and the family doctor practice Spanke urgently ask for donations with the note ‘Erdbebenhilfe’ to the association’s account at Sparkasse Dortmund, IBAN DE18 4405 0199 0841 0154 10. Tax-relevant donation receipts will be issued.

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