A Friends star is accused of handing out hallucinogenic mushrooms at a party at her home

by time news

It turns out that the prince described in his book one event from 2016 in which he was invited by acquaintances, who among others were also friends of Cox, to her house and Harry of course accepted the invitation, being a fan of the mythological series. While staying at Cox’s house, the same friends discovered in her refrigerator a mushroom in the form of a chocolate praline, which of course he tried and tasted. According to him, he later spent time hallucinating in Cox’s bathroom and that the trash in the bathroom was talking to him.

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At the ceremony to receive her star, Cox was interviewed by the American magazine Variety where she confronted this information and clarified: “There were no mushrooms! And I certainly did not walk around the house and distribute them.” Along with this, Cox confirmed that Harry spent about two to three days in the area that year and that she even saw him at an event recently, but avoided talking to him after seeing that he was busy with other people.

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