Atrial fibrillation: heart surgery for BVB professional Wolf free press

by time news

Borussia Dortmund midfielder Marius Wolf has revealed that he underwent heart surgery at the end of last year.

“I had atrial fibrillation. The heart rhythm was not normal. I noticed that clearly,” said the 27-year-old in a talk show on “Ruhr News”. “It makes you queasy and weird at first because you don’t know what it is.”

At the beginning of October, the football professional missed two games due to circulatory problems, but then returned to the squad. Wolf was absent from Union Berlin due to an infection before BVB announced the early end of the 2022 sporting year for the player at the beginning of November. Because of an “infection-related disturbance of the vestibular system,” it said. The club did not provide any further information.

Partial tissue in the heart desolate

There were only three days between the onset of the symptoms and the surgical intervention. “I was told relatively quickly that I had to have the surgery, that as a competitive athlete there was no way around it,” reported the full-back. Only the closest family members knew about the minimally invasive procedure in a Frankfurt special clinic, in which, according to him, partial tissue in the heart was destroyed. “If a doctor says it will go well, that’s one thing. But that still doesn’t take away your fear. It is and will remain an intervention on the heart,” said Wolf.

According to him, the operation went smoothly and ten days later Wolf was able to train again, but initially alone. “I had to take blood thinners for a month so I wasn’t allowed to play team sports,” he explained. From January he was “medication-free” again and could “go through with everything,” said the native of Coburg. (dpa)

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