We have to practice in the and

by time news

The altar in the seminary church in Linz consists of three wooden letters on which the altar plate rests. On closer inspection you can see AND. This word can become a keyword. We easily find ourselves caught in the trap of “either / or” and then we are in the middle of a conflict. We play this game over and over and learn that access to the truth has many sides. The altar in the church – not either heaven or earth, but heaven and earth come together here, come into contact with one another. Heaven opens up to those who are rooted in the earth, and to those who are firmly rooted in God
(we call it believing), he sees the world with new eyes. Dag Hammarskjöld says: “The rope over the abyss is stretched by those who tie it to the sky.” We could practice in the and. I stand by my attitude, listen to what moves you, what concerns you, what scares you. We’re moving one step closer together. The “Corona” exercise field is large.

You have thoughts, ideas, experiences about how we are despite

of all different opinions can live well together? Please write to us at [email protected] (maximum 1000 characters).

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