The impact of energy poverty on health

by time news

Energy poverty poses a higher risk of cardiovascular and respiratory mortality, as well as more mental health problems. The Spanish Society of Epidemiology warns.

The constant increase of energy price and the consequences of social and climate crisis They have shown that energy poverty is a real problem for Europe and, even more so, for Spain.

The figures are illuminating: in Spanish territory, up to 14.2% of households are affected by this social problem, well above the average of the European Unionlocated in a 6,9%.

What does it consist of?

Energy poverty is defined by the inability of certain households to reach a level of Domestic consumption of energy to satisfy one’s own household needs and to lead an effective social life.

What consequences does it have on our body?

In our country, people who cannot afford to keep at an adequate temperature during the coldest months are twice as self-perceived poor health y depression than people who do not suffer from energy poverty.

What’s more, people who have been late at least once in paying their energy bills in the last twelve months suffer up to three times more depression problems than those who can pay their bills.

Health impact

How do epidemiologists summarize the direct ravages of energy poverty?

Those who suffer from energy poverty…

  • Have higher risk of mortality by diseases cardiovascular y respiratory
  • They are more prone to suffer mental health problems
    • as anxiety, depression and stress.
  • Others get worse chronic diseases like arthritis
  • They increase the possibility of suffer flu and colds.

Less secure energy sources

Of course, in this situation, and to alleviate the lack of energy at home, some may be forced to use less secure sources and, in the most extreme cases, when access to energy is not guaranteed, to connect irregularly to the network.

This, in the same way, can have consequences on our health, such as the risk of accidents associated with Burns o carbon monoxide inhalation.

Day-to-day limitation

In addition to the repercussions on health, the Spanish Society of Epidemiology remember that energy poverty has a strong impact on day-to-day activitiesas:

  • The study
  • leisure
  • The cares
  • The job

Everything leads in many cases to the stigma o reduced social interaction of those affected.

Who suffers the most?

Las old people and the under two years they are especially sensitive to temperatures, both cold and warm, in homes.

EFE/Raquel Manzanares

Also in the case of those who suffer some chronic diseases or have reduced mobilitysince they are groups that often spend more time at home and are more exposed to energy poverty.

Depending on social class

In addition, this increased physiological susceptibility often coincides with a greater social vulnerability. And it is that energy poverty often coexists with other conditioning as:

  • job insecurity
  • food
  • Residential

In fact, people with greater energy difficulties son:

  • most disadvantaged social classes
  • Migrated people
  • single parent families
  • Older women living alone
  • The people who live on rent at market price.

Is there a solution to energy poverty?

To end energy poverty, the Spanish Society of Epidemiology insists that it is necessary to take structural, forceful measures based on scientific evidence and equity in order to guarantee the right to energy for all citizens.

They advocate the implementation of measures that alleviate the suffering of those affected. Examples of this are:

  • Social bond for electricity or the social bond for energy justice: positive measures but temporary e insufficient by the maximum limits of subsidized consumption.
  • Rehabilitate old buildings and houses to make them more efficient.
  • Identification of this social problem in Primary Care, educational centers, etc. to implement protocols for its approach.

“Energy services should not be understood as merchandise but as a basic good for people. They are essential for life, health and well-being”, the epidemiologists conclude.

Why contemplate this social problem from equity brings a new perspective.

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