The deputy to the former ombudsman: “The use of the word democracy is distortion and forgery

by time news

Professor Nachum Rakover, former Deputy Ombudsman, spoke today (Wednesday) with Ben Winon on their program on 103FM, about the letter he sent this week to Justice Minister Yariv Levin and Chairman of the Constitutional Committee Simcha Rothman, in which he expressed his support for reforming the judicial system.

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At the beginning of the interview, Professor Rakover explained: “This is required in view of the situation we have reached, in which there is no rule of law but the rule of the judge. Each judge assumes that his own opinions are binding according to the law, the law does not give him this authority at all. This revolves around all four amendments that are requested Levin and Rothman to correct. This distortion goes to the very root of things, because the court completely ignores its duty to be subject to the fundamental law of human dignity and freedom. The Jewish element is not among the considerations that the court takes into account.”

Later, he added: “The Basic Law which states that the State of Israel is a Jewish state, President Aharon Barak wrote that the existence of the Jewish state means that Hebrew law is a supreme value. The State of Israel without Hebrew law is a bad joke. The judges express their personal opinion and not the opinion of the law, this The rule of the judge, not the rule of law, should not put up with such a serious situation. I would check the funding sources of the demonstrations, and what motivates many of them to act the way they do, and I know that these things are from the money of the countries that are hostile to us, including institutes for democracies of various kinds.”

At the end of his remarks, Professor Rakover emphasized: “The use of the word democracy is a distortion and falsification of the democratic value. The rule of law is not enough, but the law must be founded on the values ​​of justice. This is what distinguishes Jewish law from other laws. Unlike Roman law, which was only to regulate the order of society , but principles of justice and honesty, it was known throughout the world that Israel’s law is a law of justice.”

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