Jean Lassalle persists and signs: according to him, Macron has not been vaccinated against Covid-19

by time news

He doesn’t give up. Invited by Jordan Guisnel on Wednesday February 15 in his program Chez Jordan, broadcast on C8, Jean Lassalle reaffirmed that Emmanuel Macron was not vaccinated. The former MP also returned to his health problems. He claims to have been seriously affected by the side effects of the anti-Covid vaccination, which would have earned him the four heart operations he had to undergo, but says he is better today.

From the start of the interview, Jordan Guisnel (alias Jordan De Luxe) is worried friendly about the state of health of his guest: “Jean Lassalle, you are 67 years old, are you all right?” Well known for his pranks in the National Assembly, the former deputy replies: “Everything is fine, but I had a heart problem a little over a year ago. Because of the Johnson vaccine”.

“Sure and certain”

Before quickly stating that President Macron has never been vaccinated, “nor hardly any of them for that matter…“. A statement that makes Jordan Guisnel jump. “Wait, is that real?!“asks the host in disbelief. “Wait Jean Lassalle, it’s incredible what you say! When you say ‘President Macron has never been vaccinated, is that the truth?!’ It’s awful!”he insists again. “Absolutely”replies his interlocutor who claims to be “sure and certain”.

On October 22, 2022, Jean Lassalle already accused the Head of State of not having undergone a vaccination that he recommended to others, during an interview granted to the media NTD (Epoch Media Group), during which he evoked the reasons which had pushed him to be made vaccinate himself. “I was an MP and I didn’t want to give the impression that I wasn’t doing my job. I did not know either that Mr. Macron was not vaccinated, like most members of the government and my fellow deputies who were not either (…). I wanted to lead by example.”he explained then.

This February 15, 2023, he develops his argument for Jordan Guisnel as he reiterates his accusation: “Many Heads of State have their own General Staff”, explains the former deputy. “And those vaccines were absolutely not safe. They had not (respected) the deadlines requested by the various (monitoring) organizations.”

In short, these vaccines would have posed too great a risk to the executive, in particular because of the potential side effects. “They lied!”exclaims the former elected official who “hopes that we will one day shed light on what this Covid period was like.

For his part, Emmanuel Macron had claimed to have been vaccinated on May 31, 2021. According to a survey conducted by Médiapart, the data from Health Insurance nevertheless showed the date of July 13. The Elysée had mentioned “a mistake” in data transmission.

Because of the vaccine

Jean Lassalle remains convinced that it was the Johnson vaccine that caused the health problems he suffered and which earned him four heart operations. A conviction that he already expressed on June 6, 2022, in the context of a short interview delivered to South Westand which he reaffirmed in October 2022: “I didn’t have the Covid, I had the vaccine, it almost killed me.”

When the C8 host asks him: “Are you sure it’s because of that?”, the Béarnais is categorical: “When I got it, in the week that followed, I felt completely ‘charged’ (…) Afterwards, it only got worse. It was July 30. I was going on vacation. Everything annoyed me.”

Then cardiac side effects appeared: “I had zero heart problems, I was being followed. The valves worked. It was discovered that the electromagnetic circuit that connects the two atria to the ventricle was not working. This caused a kind of permanent arrhythmia”.

At the end of 2021, the Regional PharmacoVigilance Centers (CRPV) of Grenoble and Lyon launched an investigation into the Covid-19 vaccine from Jannssen (Johnson & Johnson). His results show that taking Jcovden (the real name of this anti-Covid vaccine) can actually lead to the onset of coronary heart disease, arrhythmias (atrial fibrillation, tachycardia, palpitations), pericarditis and myocarditis.

Regarding the latter, the report states: “French pharmacoepidemiological data have shown an increased risk of myocardial infarction in the two weeks following vaccination with Janssen. In view of these latest results, this event constitutes a potential signal.”

Jean Lassalle even affirms that the dangers that this quasi-forced vaccination has caused to the population remain little recognized. “I then discovered with the medical profession the number of brain tumours, heart problems, cancers which have started again when we thought they had been stopped for ten years and which destroy you in fifteen days, look around you, you go find it”he argues

After understanding the potentially serious health consequences of the vaccine, the former MP fought to be heard: “They wanted to silence me when I said that, the mention of very serious side effects, especially with vaccines that you do not control…”

And as the message seems to have trouble getting through, the politician with a strong character persists in testifying.

We will soon receive Jean Lassalle on the set of France-Evening.

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