The real estate financing company is preparing for a bright future with a high rating

by time news

The first consideration that caused the rating is that as of September 30, 2022, the vast majority of the company’s credit portfolio rests on first-class real estate collateral with a relatively low funding ratio to collateral value, which supports the company’s ability to repay loans and the quality of the collateral.

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Another consideration is the quality of the assets, which stands out positively in relation to the rating and is positively affected by the ratio of problematic debts to the total gross credit portfolio and the non-recognition of bad debts from the day the company was established and a reasonable liquidity profile for the rating and a variety of good funding sources for the rating, which is supported by two signed lines of credit from the banking system, and non-recourse loans, among The rest, from a number of institutional bodies and private lenders.

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