UGT and CCOO endorse the public function bill, Csif against

by time news

The Government will approve its draft civil service law with the endorsement of a union majority. UGT y CCOO have positioned themselves in favor of the norm, while Csif has decided to reject it, as they have transferred in the meeting held this Wednesday. The Ministry of Finance and Public Function has renounced the removal of officials who fail a merit test, as reported by EL PERIÓDICO, and thus succeeds in attracting the union majority.

The department directed by María Jesús Montero has closed this Wednesday just over two months of negotiation with the union representatives of public employees. In December 2022, the first version of the draft law went through a public hearing and the forecast is that next Tuesday the Treasury will take the final version to the Minister council. From there it will jump to Congresswhere the content may be subject to change and the Executive must seek sufficient support for its final approval.

The main novelties of the draft law are the streamlining of the times for the publication and resolution of public employment offers, which are shortened from three to two years. Two new salary supplements are also created, the “career supplement” and the “performance” (which replaces the productivity one. In relation to the latter, a periodic system of evaluations is established to reward those public employees who show better performance, also with regard to their transfers.

“The law supposes a bet in favor of the revitalization of the career“, they have valued from UGT in a statement. “It is a very positive regulation, it opens a framework for the modernization of the administration and improves the salary conditions of public employees. We do not give up improving it via amendments in Congress,” say CCOO sources consulted, who did not finish setting a favorable position until late Tuesday.

“Favors enchufismo”

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The one who has dropped the agreement is Csif, who also did not sign with the Government the agreement for salary increases for the period 2022-2024 because it was insufficient. There the other two plants did endorse the accumulated increase of 9.5%. Csif criticizes that the standard fails to regulate the telecommuting -a pending issue in the General State Administration (AGE)-, which maintains the criteria of free appointment for management personnel -which they consider “favors the plugging“- or that does not address the right to early partial retirement, among others.

From the union they have also been opposed to the conditions of mobility between civil servant positions established by the norm, which, de facto, they consider will limit it and force employees who want to transfer to work for up to four years before changing jobs.

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