Mutuasport launches the best insurance for hunters and their dogs on the market: Premium Gold

by time news

Mutuasport, the mutual insurance company for hunters, improves its product offer with the launch of PREMIUM GOLD, thus betting on a new insurance that covers even more the needs of hunters.

This new policy will help all hunters to enjoy their field trips with greater peace of mind, since includes the largest coverages that exist in the specific hunting insurance market.

The PREMIUM GOLD is designed for the total enjoyment of hunters, since in the event of an accident it has extensive coverage to deal with the unpleasant consequences that are sometimes generated, whether it is against a third party (Civil Liability), as to oneself (self harm).

In this way, Mutuasport incorporates a unique product that widely protects the hunter, with extensive coverage and maximum protection for their hunting trips.

What coverages have been extended?

The new Mutuasport insurance includes coverage of voluntary civil liability of the hunter for a value of 2,000,000 euroshealth care and death in action of hunting for a value of 70,000 eurosnew assistance coverage for a companion with travel and/or accommodation expenses of 150 euros per day -up to a maximum of 1,500 euros per claim, always and during the injured person’s hospital stay-, up to 10,000 euros for death due to an accident in itinere -go or return to hunt-, 5,000 euros for death due to natural causes and legal defense coverage for the hunter of free choice of lawyer for a value of up to 7,500 euros.

For those hunters who subscribe to or transform their current insurance to PREMIUM GOLD, they will be able to benefit from an annex to the hunter’s insurance, with Civil Liability coverage outside the action of hunting, up to a maximum of 10 dogs hunter property. In this section, the assignment of dogs to other hunters is excluded from this coverage, as well as dogs that constitute a rehala or have a zoological group.

Therefore, the PREMIUM GOLD, which It is now availablejoins the varied catalog of hunting insurance products available to Mutuasport, establishing itself as the number one mutual among hunters.

In this way, it once again shows its commitment to the hunting sector, offering exclusive products and services that adapt to all needs, so that the hunter feels much more secure when practicing his favorite activity.

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