Recovery, the latest draft of the Draghi plan: doubts remain about Superbonus and Cashback

by time news

The examination of the council of ministers

The “Draghi plan” on the reforms to be included in the “Recovery Plan” financed by EU funds has arrived on the table of the Council of Ministers (here, the full text in pdf). The “National Reform and Resilience Plan” envisages interventions for 221.5 billion euros, largely financed by Europe (191.5), and interventions in six macro-sectors, starting with justice, bureaucracy reform, school, infrastructure , simplification, environment and networks (technological and not high-speed.

On the Recovery plan, which arrived on Friday afternoon for the examination of the Council of Ministers, however, the conflict over the extension of the Superbonus by 110% weighs heavily. The summit on Thursday morning between Prime Minister Mario Draghi, the ministers concerned and the heads of delegation of the majority has not resolved the knot and the tense official remains with two big unknowns on the Super bonus for concessions on home renovations and the Cashback (which risks not being confirmed for the next few years). On the one hand, the 5 Stars, which make the extension of the Superbonus until the end of 2023 an “essential element for the evaluation” of the NRP, the National Recovery and Resilience Plan that the government will send to Brussels to obtain the 191.5 billion European resources destined for Italy. On the other hand, the Minister of Economy, Daniele Franco, who resists, because the measure is very expensive and favors high incomes. Despite the tensions, the Plan should still receive the green light.

– Read also: Recovery, Draghi’s introduction to the PNRR: reforms for a modern (and ambitious) country

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