“Youth Creating a Peaceful Future” International Essay Competition 2023; $740 dollar prize

by time news

Theni M. Subramani
Essay Contest | Representational image

The Goi Peace Foundation, a voluntary organization based in Japan, has announced the “International Youth Essay Competition – 2023” in which youth from all over the world can participate.

Founded in 1999 with the aim of promoting the peace ideals of the multi-faceted Japanese teacher, philosopher, poet and author Masakisha Koi who dedicated his life to peace and humanity, the Koi Peace Foundation was established in 2004 by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). It is an organization that has acquired the status of Special Adviser.

This organization conducts this essay competition annually in an effort to bring peace and sustainable development to the world by harnessing the energy, imagination and initiative of youth around the world. The competition aims to learn from young minds what is needed for social development and harness their thoughts on how each of us can bring about a positive change in this world. The competition has been announced as a project of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Global Action Program on Education for Sustainable Development.

Essay Contest | Representational image


The theme of this essay competition is “Youth Creating a Peaceful Future”. What would a peaceful world look like to you? How can young people work together using creative means and approaches to realize a peaceful future? Essay should answer questions like, and share new ideas.

Eligibility Criteria: The age of participants in this article competition should not exceed 25 years as on 15-6-2023. Those below 14 years can participate in the boys category and those between 15 to 25 years can participate in the youth category. The essay should not exceed 700 words in English or French. If in Japanese, it should not exceed 1600 characters. On the first page of the article, the name of the participant and the title of the article etc. should be mentioned.

The article should be created in MS Word file or PDF file and submitted online only. Do not submit via post or email.

The essay must be entirely self-written. The article should not have been previously published in other journals or online.

The essay should be written by one person. Must not be written by more than one group.

Copyright of all essays submitted to the contest belongs to the contest organizer.

Essay Submission: Essay for this contest can be submitted by 15-6-2023 by registering at https://goipeace-essaycontest.org/ either individually or through your institution.


From the essays received for this competition, essays for prizes will be selected separately in each category such as children and youth. One person will be selected for the first prize and will receive a prize of 100,000 Japanese Yen (US$740 in US Dollars as of February’ 2023) and a certificate of appreciation.

Article | Representational image

The second prize will be a prize of 50,000 Japanese Yen (US$370 in US dollars as of February’ 2023) and a certificate of appreciation for three people. The third prize will be awarded to five persons with a certificate of appreciation and a prize. Apart from this, 25 persons will be selected as Honorable Mention and they will be awarded certificates and prizes.

Competition Results:

All the results for this competition will be published on 31-10-2023 on the website www.goipeace.or.jp. Only the top three prize winners will be invited and honored at the online winners event. Prize and certificate of appreciation for others will be sent by post.

Additional information:

Those who want to know more information about these contests can visit https://www.goipeace.or.jp/en/work/essay-contest/.

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1 comment

Shazana May 25, 2023 - 7:34 pm

From every country student will be participate


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