Cofepris authorizes GN Forensic Toxicology laboratory

by time news
  • The laboratory will consolidate the analysis, research and teaching components.
  • This authorization goes hand in hand with NOM-059-SSA1-2015, which establishes the minimum requirements necessary for the drug manufacturing process.
  • Some drugs can cause disorders or other types of health effects if they are taken in incorrect doses.

In order to strengthen regulatory measures in the areas of chemical management and control and to seek excellence in each of the activities entrusted to it, the National Guard (GN) received an important sanitary license. This is the one referring to its Laboratory of Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology, which was approved by the Federal Commission for the Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris).

The delivery took place at the facilities of the General Scientific Directorate of the National Guard. On behalf of the commander of this institution, David Córdova Campos, the head of the Investigation and Intelligence Office, Avigaí Vargas Tirado, affirmed that the health license is a valuable tool that will consolidate the operational capabilities of the national guards throughout the country.

“This license is an essential requirement to comply with the requirements established in the Official Mexican Standard NOM-059-SSA1-2015. It is the one that allows work with certified reference standards for chemical precursors and drugs, which are regulated by the General Health Law”.

In this way, the opportunity to work together with authorities of the three orders of government is opened, in the identification, classification and regulatory registration of drugs and chemicals.

What is Forensic Toxicology?

According to the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO), it focuses on analyzing the way in which intoxication caused by medicines such as alkaloids, drugs and narcotics such as cigarettes, can influence human behavior and cause them to commit a crime. . Similarly, he mentions that Some medicines cause disorders if taken in the wrong doses.

With this in mind, adverse health effects caused by chemical, physical, or biological agents can range from death to cancer or other illnesses.

The federal commissioner of cofepris, Alejandro Svarch Pérez, expressed that the sanitary license is a recognition of the team and the technical quality of the laboratory. It is also an ethical commitment to the results with enormous systematization in the quality management processes.

“We see in this laboratory, on the one hand, analysis to prevent crime, to identify precursors, to generate scientific evidence, to do analytical work. We see teaching work, also in this laboratory with training of human resources for the country with guarantee and national security components. And third, a research component.”

The ceremony was also attended by: the head of the General Scientific Directorate of the GN, Jorge Jesús Borrego Álvarez; and by cofepris, the Commissioner for Sanitary Operation, Bertha Alcalde Luján; and the Commissioner for Sanitary Authorization, as well as guests from both institutions.

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