the Senate awaits “clarifications” from the government

by time news

After the fiasco of a debate without a vote on the pension reform in the National Assembly, the government is now counting on the Senate to grant parliamentary legitimacy to its text, after having failed to obtain that of the unions and the opinion. On the occasion of the eleven days of discussions planned – from Thursday March 2 to Sunday March 12 at midnight, weekends included – the senators, who wish to show themselves more ” responsible “ that the deputies are going to demand from the executive « clarifications » on its amending Social Security financing bill. “The Senate owes citizens and social partners a debate on the entire text”underlines the president Les Républicains (LR) of the chamber, Gérard Larcher, in an interview with the FigaroWednesday 1is mars.

Although the senatorial majority shares the main measures of this reform – the decline in the legal age of departure to 64 and the extension of the duration of contributions – the 145 elected LRs and 57 centrists intend to leave their mark. “The text that will come out will not be that of the government but that of the Senate”warns Gérard Larcher.

If the senators of the right and the center have taken the habit over the last four years of adopting an LR amendment to the Social Security budget in accordance with the government’s two age measures, the LR troops of Bruno Retailleau (Vendée) and those of the centrist Hervé Marseille (Hauts-de-Seine) will make proposals to improve the situation of mothers or the employment of seniors, perceived as blind spots of the Borne reform.

The president of the Centrist Union also judges “a bit optimistic” the communication of the executive after the government spokesman, Olivier Véran, estimated on February 23 that “the basis of an agreement [était] on the table “ with senators. « As their text is of senatorial inspiration and our chamber is considered more reasonable, the executive thinks that this should pass without too many problems. Except that the devil is in the details”warns Mr. Marseille.

Also read our story: Article reserved for our subscribers Pension reform: the chaotic end without a vote of the examination in the Assembly

Mothers and seniors

Since the Senate has gained influence in the parliamentary game to the detriment of a National Assembly destabilized by the absence of an absolute majority, the senators advance their pawns on each text of the executive. In the Social Affairs Committee on Tuesday, the elected officials notably integrated a “surcharge” 5% for the pensions of mothers who have a full career. The senators also introduced a “CDI senior” exempt from family contributions in order to encourage the recruitment of unemployed employees aged at least 60. “If these factors are taken into account by the government, this reform will be more acceptable”believes Senator LR of the Marne René-Paul Savary.

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