three associations attack the State for “failure to implement the law”

by time news

Family planning, SOS homophobia and Sidaction are raising their voices. These associations seize, Thursday, March 2, the administrative court of Paris for “to recognize the responsibility of the State in the lack of implementation” of the law of 2001. This text provides for the establishment of three annual sexuality education sessions in primary, secondary and secondary schools. In fact, only 15% of schoolchildren and high school students and less than 20% of college students benefit from it, according to a recent report by the General Inspectorate of Education, Sport and Research.

With this request, the three associations want to enjoin the State to take “any useful measure to enforce its legal obligations”. The insufficiency and dispersal of resources, the lack of availability of teachers as well as a lack of management were pointed out by the general inspectorate to explain these shortcomings.

The latest investigations – by the High Council for Equality, in particular – have prompted these organizations to “to be more offensive”. According to these studies, one in five women aged 18 to 24 say they have already suffered rape or sexual assault, one in three young people say they are poorly informed about AIDS and half of young LGBT people say they are victims of discrimination at school. .

“Self-confidence” and “empathy”

” It’s urgent “argues Sarah Durocher, president of Family Planning, when the law was enacted twenty-two years ago and then regularly enriched to promote a global approach to sexuality education, which is biological, psychoaffective and social. “Sexist and sexual violence such as attacks against LGBT people could be avoided if this law were fully implemented”, says the association manager. Sex education has proven itself. She gives “essential psychosocial skills to develop autonomy, self-confidence, empathy for students and healthy and balanced relationships with others”judge Family Planning, Sidaction and SOS homophobia.

Also read the report: Article reserved for our subscribers Sexuality education, priority of a college in Hérault: “Porn is spectacle, it is not reality”

The request specifically targets the Ministry of National Education, responsible for this prevention policy. Pap Ndiaye has already said he is mobilized on the subject and published a new circular in September 2022 to ” to strenghten “ sex education. The three associations recognize this commitment but judge the text ” insufficient “. “For twenty-two years, other ministers have shown their commitment and we have been disappointed several times”insists Florence Thune, the director of Sidaction. “The quantitative and qualitative insufficiency of the implementation of the law is manifest. The #metoo wave and the “great cause of the quinquennium” aimed at combating violence against women have not changed anything”she says.

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