Patrick Zaki is free, he will be released from prison –

by time news

Zaki will be released between tonight and tomorrow morning: not yet acquitted, and will have to appear before the court again on February 1st.

Patrick Zaki
, the Egyptian student of the University of Bologna in prison for almost two years on charges of disseminating false information through journalistic articles, free.

The young man was not acquitted, ma verr released from prison between tonight and tomorrow morning and he will have to appear before the court again on February 1st. The release order – according to legal sources close to Zaki – has already been signed. Hoda Nasrallah, Zaki’s lawyer, confirmed al Courier service that the release from Tora prison in Cairo is expected to take place shortly.

Lobna Darwish of Eipr, the NGO with which Zaki collaborated and which deals with his legal defense, confirmed to the Courier service that Zaki is currently on his way to Cairo, where he will be released.

The announcement was greeted with a shout of joy in the court, where a new hearing in the trial was held today.

Patrick Zaki’s parents and sister rushed to get him food.

At the basis of the case against Zaki were three journalistic articles on the persecution of Coptic Christians in Egypt.

Here the webreport from Zaki’s parents’ house in Mansoura

Article being updated …

December 7, 2021 (change December 7, 2021 | 12:37)

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